This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Out of No Where, New Troubles for GOP

New York Time is reporting that top house Republicans knew about e-mail between Representative Mark Foley and the teenage page. Republicans kept this matter secret, and allowed Mr.Folley to remain head of Congressional caucus on children's issues. This is some of the stuff that Congressman wrote to the 16 year old boy, "How are you weathering the hurricane. . .are you safe. . .send me a pic of you as well.What do you want for your birthday coming up. . .what stuff do you like to do". Do you think that GOP is in big trouble for knowing this and not making it public, or not doing anything about it? It becomes more troubling to know that Mr.Foley was head of Congressional caucus on children's issues. Now, it is believed that Republicans are going to lose this seat, which they were almost certain to win before. Are they going to lose even more seats because of this issue?

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