This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Cheney Calls Reporter's Question About Gay Daughter's Pregnancy 'Out of Line'

Cheney seems to be a great person, Mrs. Cheney that is. Dick stares Blitzer down. Lynn (Mrs. Cheney) says"Dick and I [are] both very much looking forward to this new baby," "[our] daughter will be a great mom." (FoxNews,Thursday, January 25, 2007). The LGBT community couldn't ask for a better slap-in-the-face to Republicans.


Martinez said...

It's funny how people change there beliefs when it hits close to home. I think there is a connection between the war in Iraq and this topic. As soon as a family member goes to Iraq, is killed or wounded there view of the war changes. In western Wisconsin there is a military family who had lineage in the military for many generations. For many years they had a sign along the highway in support of Bush and the war in Iraq. However, one of there family members was killed in Iraq, and the sign came down and they are now one of the biggest supporters of bringing the troops home. Its difficult for people to think from another persons perspective, but I believe that this charecteristic should be integral to every politician. Hopefully Dick learned something from this, but I wouldnt count on it.

D Schultz said...

This is such a compelling story, and seemingly a difficult one for Cheney as well as other Republican or anti-gay politicians. What happens when your legislation is hurting someone you love?

This questions was hard and maybe unkind, but one that needs to be asked regardless.

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