This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Student loan bill advances, Bush will sign

With all of us in school we all depend on student loans to help us get through the year. This year there was a threat going around that there wasn't going to be enough money for student loans compared to what we are used to. The senate today just passed a bill that will allow more money to be used with the Student Loan program. This bill is going to be head to the President who supports the bill and will sign the bill.

Recovery Rebates

Just an update that this week 7.7 million Americans will receive their Recovery Rebates from the law that legislation signed into in February.

Bush vs. Congress Game 5

Highlighting the ease of exposure the executive gets; President Bush is all the buzz during this lunch hour at the moment. His Rose Garden press conference was used to scold congress and their lack of cooperation on his economic agenda. The President has an audience nearly every time he speaks (Unlike MCs); unless its his weekly radio show, has anyone every tuned into that?? Anyway, Speaker Pelosi threw some sophisticad voting at the President adding that his threat to veto the Democratic Energy Bill is the reason why the House Dems won't play ball. Salient issues. Niice.

London's "Postmodern" Mayoral Election

Obviously not a story about the US Congress, or even directly about the US at all, but I still thought it was an interesting read on a heavily candidate-centered campaign in London and how such a candidate heavy and issue weak campaign is echoed at least somewhat in the Democratic presidential primary.

Obama Winning Senate Endorsements

Obama is now ahead of Clinton with Senate endorsements. He has 14, Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) put him in the lead, while Clinton only has 13 still.

Senate may consider unequal pay bill

The senate is looking at passing a bill that would allow individuals who feel they have been discriminated against their company in pay compared to other co-workers who do the same job, sue that company. This would overturn a ruling by the Supreme Court in which a female tried suing Good Year tire company however, the Supreme Court ruled she filed to late. Democrats are in favor of the policy however republicans state it would develop to many cases in the court system.

Loopholes in Ethics Law? Nooo....

While it is impossible to form any kind of campaign/lobbyist law that is perfect in preventing their "undue influence" (the New York Times words, not mine) on members of Congress, it can definitely still be fun to look at the flaws and loopholes later and criticize them. In this case the 2007 Honest Leadership and Open Government act has created a few - former Senator John Breaux notes that it is not legal for him to buy a $20 meal for an old friend, but he is allowed to give a $1000 campaign contribution, and members and/or staff can accept cups of coffee but not hot dogs...depending on the occasion. Personally I think that certain restrictions on lobbyists are a good thing, but everybody should always be able to accept a hot dog. That's just un-American.

Congress takes on Credit Cards

Congressional lawmakers are seeking to reform practices used by credit card companies. The House committee on Financial Services has been pressured by consumer interests groups to examine the problem of credit card debt in American families. This seems to be a Democratic effort; the article is sans any Republican quotes. The committee itself is chaired by a Democrat, and has a likewise majority. Notable members of an otherwise un-notable committee; Ron Paul of Texas, and Gwen Moore of our very own Wisconsin.

Senate to investigate House??

Liberal Senators are asking that the Justice Department launch an investigation on the legality of an earmark placed on a 2005 highway funding bill. The initial earmark was approved for $10million to make improvements on Florida's I-75, but was altered just before the bill reached the President for signing. A problem arises with how the Senate can go about with the investigation. Conservatives say that the Justice Department does not have to launch an investigation if directed by the Senate, and they propose that a Committee to be formed for the investigation. Liberals say that it is unconstitutional for the Senate to investigate the House.
Little will probably occur in response to this finding. It sounds like to me that Senators are riding the wave of earmark abuse. If they show they are trying to limit pork barrel spending, maybe it will give them a boost for November elections.

Robert Byrd Tells Everyone To Shut Up

This one is even about committees...specifically the Senate Appropriations Committee, of which Robert Byrd is the chair. Byrd is 90 years old and the longest serving Senator in history, AND third in line to the presidency (and people think McCain is old). Anyway an interesting article about, well, certainly seniority if nothing else.

Airline Passenger Bill of Rights Could Get Boost From New Travel Woes

The new airline bill gives individuals on planes who have been either cancelled or delayed more rights. If the plane is grounded with the passengers on it for more three hours it allows the passengers to leave if they would like to. It also gives the air plane companies the responsibility to make sure the passengers of the stranded air lines get the proper food, water, and bath room facilities. I personally find it funny that we have individuals dieing in Iraq, and other big concerns. However our wonderful public and congress is more concerned with a convenience problem.

Clinton telling Bush he should skip the Olympic opening ceremonies

In CNN this week Monday, Senator Hillary Clinton called President Bush to boycott the opening of this summer's Olympic Games in China, in regards to the Chinese government's failure to pressure the government of Sudan to end the violence in Darfur. Why do we have to create a huge controversy over something people enjoy to watch?

However, Senator Barack Obama has two views to this issue, he feels that what is happening in Darfur is a problem, but he also feels that having the Olympics is about bringing everyone around the world together, and shouldn't be about a place to voice your opinions about politics. I definately feel the same way as Senator Obama, the Olympics is a gathering of the world and friendly competition. Families all around the world watch the Olympics and they should not have to decide whether or not to watch because the fear of watching political protest as the gymnastics portion of the Olympics is going on.

Bush, Pelosi, and the Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Pelosi blocked a vote on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement today. She stated that Congress is still considering bringing the trade agreement to the floor. Pelosi discussed that it is more important to focus on our country's worsening economy right now. With Bush's presidency coming to an end shortly, I think that he is focusing too much on other countries. After all he is the president of the United States, and I agree with Pelosi that he should be focusing more on our current economic situation, instead of adding more complications.


I just think it's kind of ironic that we went in and told them they had to change and now we're telling them they have to finance it.

A Few Things In Politics

Well, it looks like the Presidential candidates will have the opportunity to audition for the role of commander in chief as they question General Petraeus in the hearings on the progress-or lack of it-in Iraq. Of course, looking too tough or too soft on the general will be damaging politically, especially with the Democratic Primary in Pennsylvania fast approaching, thank goodness. I think everyone is sick of the increasingly bitter fights between candidates.

Meanwhile, it seems Congress has given the Department of Homeland Security the power to bypass practically all the environmental laws in order to build the border fence to protect us and "secure our borders". I suppose Congress wants to look like it's doing something to protect us against a faceless enemy. And as usual, someone has to be the scapegoat.

Senate passes bill to help housing crisis

Thursday the Senate passed a package of tax breaks and other steps designed to help business and homeowners deal with the housing crisis. However even the supporters of the bill recognize that is geared more to help businesses such as home builders and doesn’t help the borrowers. It is planned that when it reaches the House of Representatives that it will be redrawn. The White House it has also been said doesn’t approve of the bill. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said this of the bill, “This is just the beginning of the process. This bill will go to the House. With the House and the White House we can come up with a piece of legislation fairly quickly”.

House denies Bush vote on Free Trade Agreement

On Thursday the House of Representatives denied President Bush a vote on his proposal for a free trade agreement with Colombia. The House eliminated a rule forcing it to vote on the trade agreement within 60 legislative days of the president’s submitting it to Congress. Since this move was made it basically guarantees that it will be a consideration for the next administration. Nancy Pelosi blames Bush for submitting the agreement to Congress before major differences could be resolved. Bush came back saying, “House vote is damaging to our economy, our national security and our relations with an important ally”.

Frustrated Senators See No Exit Signs

It seems to me the frustration that many citizens are feeling about the Iraq war has finally become a frustration in Washington. The senate received a report from ranking military officials about the progress in Iraq. With no end in sight it will be interesting to see how congress responds. If the congressmen are getting frustrated, I don't see why they shouldn't put their foot down and tell the white house to start to bring some troops home. However the future of Iraq will probably not be decided until the next president steps in.

Pelosi to Block Vote on Colombia

Negative agenda power and endogenous institutions all in one post. Enjoy.

Mr. Petraeus goes to Washington

As Shaley Shale, our prophet and guide, mentioned in class today General Petraeus is briefing congress on the fragile state of affairs in Iraq currently. The general believes that after the 20k troop surge ends, troop levels should stay level in Iraq until further notice. Chairman Sen. Carl Levin (D) of Michigan, voiced the trite statement of discontent with the current situation; his sentiment will most likely be repeated by fellow democrats and defecting republicans. It's intersting to see the distance that many former supporters are developing now that the war is unpopular accross the board. My question is, why didn't more Congressman and Senators realize that this would happen in the first place, that they would ultimately need to back down from their support? We talk about sophisticated and strategic voting, where was that in the vote to go to Iraq? Was it done in the votes leading up to it, such as the mentioned Kerry statement: I voted against it before I voted for it (?) Many questions over such a thing I have...

Protecting the Border

Congress granted Michael Chertoff, homeland security secretary, the right to ignore any laws that could get in the way of building a fence to protect the border. Chertoff waived more than 30 laws including ones protecting the environment and endangered species because they interfered with the fence. There seems to be a heated debate arising over Congress’ decision. Many people are claiming that it is unconstitutional for Chertoff to be granted the right to ignore any laws that get in the way of protecting the border. Environmental groups, such as the Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife, have also complained, and sued Chertoff last year over his decision to ignore 19 laws interfering with the border. Personally, I am going to have to side with Congress on this one. Although it is important to keep our environment safe and protect endangered species, I think it is more important to protect our country. Illegal immigration needs to be stopped, and if the only way to do it is to allow Chertoff the power to suspend laws interfering with the border fence, then I think that is what must be done.

libertarian candidate

I just thought this might make an interesting twist. Adding a third party could really have a huge effect on the race, as far as drawing from one candidate or another. Libertarian is especially interesting because while at first I want to say he's going to draw from the right, there are probably a few issues where libertarians and the left might agree as well. Libertarian isnt necessarily a popular party, but we've seen other candidates formerly in major parties who maintain their following even after they switch parties.

Al Qaeda No. 2: We don't kill innocents

This was an interesting article to me because as I read it, Al-Zawahiri, the second-in command of al Qaeda stated that they do not kill innocent people in their attacks. Only if they are were killed as a result of "unintentional error" or being used as "human shields."

Why I find this interesting is how do they know which people are innocent or not. Beside from the fact of woman and children. But, when they blow up a building, there are innocent civilians occupying that building, and not just men. Word has it that Osama bin Laden is also "healthy," and even if he "doesn't become ill, he must die one day." Thanks, I feel so relieved now.

Idaho Senate Race

Idaho is apparently more interesting than I would have guessed, as some interesting characters have cropped up in the race to replace disgraced (Is that the right word? Probably not, let's say "conflicted") soon-to-be-former Senator Larry Craig. The race includes one candidate who entered the primary having never been to Idaho, and another candidate, a strawberry farmer, who has legally changed his name to "Pro-Life" so that the state would have to include his name on the ballot that way. Here's a link to the official Idaho State list of candidates -

Housing Bill Moves Forward in Senate

Today the Senate agreed to move forward on a housing bill in an attempt to save the falling house market. Many people have been losing their homes due to the inability to afford their mortgage. The bill has been stalled in the senate because Democrat and Republican Senators can not agree on how best to solve the problem. It seems the only thing they agree on is that something has to be done sooner, rather than later. The bill put forward by the Democrat party had been threatened to be voted down by Senate Republicans until certain Republican Amendments made the agenda.
The bill was originally introduced on the 13th of February and now may be close to receive a vote.

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