This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Its 12 Hours To Exam Time, Do You Know Where Your Students Are?

In the library trying to eek out some last minute bloggin! Special Elections!? Mississippi?! Democrats are trying to hold on to a southern seat in this special election set for next Tuesday. Can the Republican's link incumbent Travis Chider to the godless democrat demigods John Kerry and Barak Obama? The electoral history shows that Chiders is looking a little marginal and could be thrown out with the rest of the bums. If the Republicans can exploit this link it may stop the perceived hemorrhaging in the house they've been taking since 2006. The strategy worked slightly in last week's Louisiana congressional election, but Dem. Don Cazayoux still won the traditionally conservative seat. In other news, who's ready to do some quadratic utility function on multi-preferential congressional voting behavior tomorrow at 7:30am?!

Also, when will Barak Obama be added to electronic spell checkers???

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