This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

McCain's Stand on Detanee's may Hurt His 2008 chance

This article focused on how Senator. John McCain has gone against Bush's wants to be able to interpret the laws of the Geneva Convetion regarding proper treatment of detainees. Whether or not it will help McCain in his 2008 chances seems to be uncertain. His critics think that going against the administration will tear him away from the base of his party that will be needed to win the primary. While proponents of McCain think McCain's strategy of going against Bush will do the opposite and be popular. I'm not surprised McCain believes in the Geneva Convention because unlike President Bush, he was actually tortured in Vietnam. McCain seems to be a strong backbone to Bush's plans considering with him and the other Senators against Bush's detainee proposition have enough votes to block any legislative action. Dessertion among Republicans this late in the stage could have a negative impact in the upcoming elections and might force Republicans to side with McCain or the President. Both moves which could alienate possible conservative and on the fence supporters. As to following the Geneva Convention's ridiculous that we even want to interpret the Geneva Convention rules just so we can torture some suspected terrorists to get valuable information....say like how Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein are connected. Oh wait....that turned out to be false. If the United States legitimately thinks torture (whether it's pyschological or physical) is a justifiable means of attaining information than they're no better than the dictator they just overthrew. What is everyone's opinion on the article and the treatment of detainees?

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