This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

New group tracks Congressional reps

A new coalition of younger Americans introduced the Young Americans Fund, an organization that seeks to spotlight the records of Congressmen and Congresswomen in terms of global warming, national debt and Congressional ethics scandals.

The organization, whose Web site is here, have released a searchable Congressional Scorecard. According to the results of the organization, most of Wisconsin's Congressional representatives have done fairly well:

David Obey, 100%
Tammy Baldwin, 100%
Ron Kind, 100%
Gwen Moore, 100%
Russ Feingold, 82%
Herb Kohl, 73%

But the group does list some reps who have not faired so well, according to its standards:

Mark Green, 25%
Tom Petri, 9%
James Sensenbrenner, 9%
Paul Ryan, 0%

It's easy to see when the statistics are laid out this way, that this group certainly has its inherent biases, certainly having to do with the issues they take up. Why don't they take up other environmental issues instead of just global warming?

Also, it's interesting to note that the group plans to run ads on Facebook and MySpace that target specific collegiate students.

Members of The Young Americans Fund’s senior leadership and Advisory Board come from a diverse group of colleges nationwide, including: The University of Texas, The University of North Carolina, New York University, The College of William & Mary (Virginia), Princeton University (New Jersey), The University of Pennsylvania, Wesleyan University
(Connecticut) and Middlebury College (Vermont).

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