This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Senate Republicans block minimum wage hike

Staying true to their word the Democrats put forth a bill to attempt to raise the federal minimum wage. As expected house republicans shot it down with a request to provide tax relief to small buisnesses before a wage increase is passed. All it looks like to me is just some jockeying to get little speaking points to use against opponents in the 2008 election. It doesn't appear to be a serious effort on either side. But now both sides will be able to say that their opponents voted against putting a little extra money into the voters pockets. Republicans keeping minimum wage workers from making a better wage, and Democrats trying to take money away from small buisness owners.


franda2 said...

It is making it a situation where no one wins, not even the politicians. I think that if the Democrats would have taken a different approach to the way they handled the change of power in both the house and the senate, that this would be something that they both could agree on. Now it is something where if the Republicans go with it they feel they are letting the Democrats win. I feel that it will eventually get passed, hopefully both of them, but it is going to take some time.

Jesse said...

Perhaps before jumping the gun on attacking the Republicans lets examine a real economic issue.
Many small business will seriously struggle with this hike. Who is that good for? Big business. (less competition).
Every time we have min. wage increases we have layoffs. Take an intro econ. class if you don't understand how that works. I'm not saying we can't have a minimum wage, that would be awful. But "no strings attached wage hikes" is based on on an assumption that this will have an equal effect on all businesses, it won't.

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