This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Bush vetoes troop withdrawal bill

President Bush has vetoed legislation pushed through Congress by the Democratic leaders because the legislation had time-tables. Bush does not want time tables because he does not want the enemy to know when he is pulling out. Democrats think he wants a blank check, but Bush claims that the Democrats made a statement by pushing an anti-war bill through Congress. Bush is meeting with members of Congress this week to discuss a compromise, without time tables. Spatically, they are trying to find a win set to beat the status quo, with war and no war being the dimensions. It will be interesting to see what happens, especially since Bush has such a low approval rating. Eventually, the Democrats might have enough support to over ride Bush's veto because the American public does not support the war and Republicans could be punished for supporting the war.

1 comment:

meganlwood said...

I think President Bush is stalling for time until he is no longer in office. Who wants to be known as the President to push for an unpopular war and then back out of it? He'll let the next President deal with the whole mess while innocent civilians and troops die.

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