This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Partisan Now, Bipartisan LaterThe logic behind Republican opposition to Obama's stimulus package.

Given the recent developments in congress and lately, within the discourse of this blog, this article regarding bipartisanship seems appropriate. It is far to early to call the off the honeymoon between the Democrats and Republicans just yet. It hasn't even been two weeks sicnce Obama's inaguration ! . As for the bailout, the Republican's posturing is is understandable. The Dems had the muscle to role out the bailout with or without them.

Sensenbrenner snubbed by democrat officials' partisanship

2006, Sensenbrenner loses chairmanship of House Judiciary Committee
2008, Republicans lose white house
2009, Sensenbrenner frozen out of seat on federal nominating commission for Wisconsin. The commission recommends individuals for vacant federal judge seats and US Attorney jobs.

Sensenbrenner is unhappy at a blown chance at bi-partisanship. It would have been a good opportunity, and a sign of respect towards Sensenbrenner from Kohl and Feingold, to not freeze him out. Sensenbrenner has experience in the area.


Michael Steele is the new GOP Chairman


Food Stamps Over Jobs??

Since when do food stamps and unemployment insurance boost an economy? In my academic career I learned that a good economy is one that produces and sells goods, has low unemployment rates, and brings revenue into the country. Food stamps and unemployment insurance is counterintuitive to that. If people can receive something for free, why would anyone want to work? This just promotes the entitlement attitude that many Americans now feel, or wish to have. These programs will expand deficit spending, drive the country further into debt and weaken the dollar even more than it already is.

Ethics or Money?

You decide.

Where Did All the Republicans Go?

A new Gallup Poll map showing current party affiliations.. times look bleak for the GOP right now.


Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) has confirmed that he is being considered for the position of Secretary of Commerce. If he were appointed, and were to accept, his seat would be filled by whomever Governor John Lynch (D-NH) chose. Assuming that Lynch appoints a Democrat, and that Al Franken prevails in Minnesota (both of which would appear more likely than not), then the Democratic Caucus would hold a fillibuster proof 60 seats in the Senate. Further, and Democrat appointed in New Hampshire should have a leg up on their Republican challenger because of the incumbency advantage, in 2010.

If this happens, expect a few Republican co-signers on Senator Feingold's Constitutional Amendment proposal.

Bring on the windfarms

For years now I continue to hear, read, and see all this 'evidence' about how global warming, or climate change as it is now called, is an ongoing issue in today's world. New technologies are being developed that are trying to come up with ways to reduce carbon footprints (something I am still confused about) of individuals and industries. Many opponents of President Bush claim that his policies destroyed the environment and expedited the problem of global warming. What is overlooked, or simply ignored is that the world has been cooling since President Bush's time in office (probably the reason why it is now called climate change) and he allowed the construction of a wind farm off the shores of Massachusetts. Who are the ones opposing these wind farms? The same people who criticized President Bush for destroying the environment. If these people want to continue to push for technologies that lead us away from fossil fuels, some sacrifices have to be made. And it should not be limited to the people who vote the law makers into office.

Blagojevich is out.

Seemed like this was a foregone conclusion.

"The Grand White Party"

Anyone else excited/apprehensive about tomorrow's GOP chairmanship vote? Given my liberal bias, Steele scares me because I think he could really revive the GOP. Here's to hoping that the GOP picks either the member of the white-only country club or the guy who sent out the song "Barack the Magic Negro."

Senate Likely to Pass Bill on Kids' Health Insurance

Unlike a few years ago, Republicans are wildly against this bill, mostly because it offers health care to immigrant children. Personally, I think the GOP is doomed if they keep alienating immigrants (and especially their children).

Feingold: Give appointment powers to the people

Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold wants to amend the US constitution, so that when when a senate seat is vacated, the spot will be mandatorially filled by a special election, eliminating gubernatorial appointments. It's an interesting move i think worthy of discussion

Impeach McCain

Illinois Governor Rudy Blagojevich uses strange logic to defend himself in the closing arguments of his impeachment trial. With his television blitz earlier this week and his closing arguments, Blagojevich is shaping up to be the most entertaining political fiasco of the new year.

House passes $819 billion stimulus bill

House passes stimulus bill, not a single Republican votes for the bill, 11 Democrats vote against the bill. Yet thanks to the changing of power in the House, the stimulus bill still passes. 

House likely to pass $825 billion stimulus package today

[contributor just posted the whole article here. removed. boo.]

Just a CNN Politics article about Obama's talks with Republican Congress members about his Stimulus Plan

Somewhat related to what we were discussing in class. 

An Update on the Minnesota Recount

Coleman asks that thousands of rejected absentee ballots be reconsidered statewide, after many were reconsidered and added in democratic districts. Coleman is arguing that the reconsideration of absentee ballots in only select districts is a violation of the constitutional principle of equal protection. He is pushing for a common standard to be used statewide in the recount.

After a Coleman win by several hundred votes on election day, the vote totals have flip-flopped repeatedly in both directions during the recount. Currently, Franken has a lead of 225.

Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) Calls on Government to start monitoring the availability of converter boxes in retail stores.

Kohl is asking the government to quickly monitor the supply of converter boxes. There is a fear that when the date comes to switch to digital television a lot of Americans will be left without television. Sen. Kohl is the chair of the Special Committee on aging. He works for older Americans who he fear will not be ready to make the switch on FEB. 17th. So far Pres. Obama has asked for the date to be pushed back.

An editorial about partisanship in Obama's America

An editorial in the Washington Post discusses the Republican response to a new call for "bipartisanship," arguing that partisanship is not fading, but rather becoming more subtle in preparation for a GOP resurgence.

Wisconsin's Feingold Wants to Stop Governors From Appointing Senators to Fill Vacant Seats

This article explains how Wisconsin's own Senator Russ Feingold plans to end Gubernatorial appointments to the Senate.

Senate Seat Is Latest Stop On Bennet's Unlikely Ride

More on Michael Bennet, Colorado's new junior senator, a man with a very thin political past.

Don’t Name That Senator

A state pol argues for reforming the gubernatorial privilege senator replacement.

Sounds like something to talk about on the first day of class.

Welcome to Spring

Get ready for the fun. Hopefully the next 101 days won't change everything we are about to learn.

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