This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Bring on the windfarms

For years now I continue to hear, read, and see all this 'evidence' about how global warming, or climate change as it is now called, is an ongoing issue in today's world. New technologies are being developed that are trying to come up with ways to reduce carbon footprints (something I am still confused about) of individuals and industries. Many opponents of President Bush claim that his policies destroyed the environment and expedited the problem of global warming. What is overlooked, or simply ignored is that the world has been cooling since President Bush's time in office (probably the reason why it is now called climate change) and he allowed the construction of a wind farm off the shores of Massachusetts. Who are the ones opposing these wind farms? The same people who criticized President Bush for destroying the environment. If these people want to continue to push for technologies that lead us away from fossil fuels, some sacrifices have to be made. And it should not be limited to the people who vote the law makers into office.


Nathaniel Haack said...

I have read other accounts (though I don't remember where) that argue that this specific wind farm may, in fact, be harmful to the wildlife in the Cape Sound. Just something to look into. That said, arguing that it will destroy the vista of some of the wealthiest Americans in order to provide electricity to the rest of us is repulsive at best.

mhembree said...

The Global cooling that we are experiencing does seem counter-intuitive but it has been explained as a short-term by-product of biomass buring.
(Source:Journal of Climate v. 17 no. 15 (August 1 2004) p. 2909-26)
Luckily, the loss of this wind farm is inconsequential. The east coast very wind-poor in comparison to Americas southwest which is known as the "Saudi Arabia" of wind potential. Billionaire Oil-Man T. Boone Pickens is working on a project that will double America's wind generated energy.

jasonkomo said...

One of the main voices against it is Ted Kennedy who's home is right on the coast of the proposed wind farm. He's obviously against it because it will ruin his view and maybe his property value. However the Governor of Massuchesetts who I believe is also a Democrat is in favor along with John Kerry.

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