This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

What is the point?

Why would either party, in this case the Republicans, make a half-hearted attempt to block a budget that will undoubtedly pass eventually by making amendments when they don't even have an alternative budget proposal in place? Partisanship like this demonstrates the time our so-called leaders waste on taking shots at each other rather than coming up with solutions to our very real problems.


bsavage said...

While I agree that, for the most part, partisanship can stall the legislative process, I feel that in this case it is perfectly acceptable. To me, one of the greatest elements of our democracy is sharp and deep partisan divides. It's what keeps our system in check. With the gaining ground that moderates are making in both parties in both chambers of Congress, it is refreshing to see that our modern system can still produce rich political discourse. Regardless of who is in the majority/minority, it is always important for the minority to object the actions and policies of the majority.

However, the lack of an alternative budget is more a problem of the leadership in the Republican party than with our system as a whole. They very well could have waited the extra few days and submitted their proposal all at once, as opposed to showing an outline with no figures first.

While the factions in our government prevent tyranny, they also prevent results. A budget will always be passed (save for the Gingrich/Clinton debacle) regardless. With the pending legislative loophole to pass the budget with only 51 votes, the Democrats can afford to let the Republicans voice their concerns.

TRKelly said...

Republicans want to be one the side that opposes the Democrats so that if the budget goes bad, they can be the ones to say we had a different plan. And they do have a different plan, it just isn't reported anywhere, go figure. One has to go to more right slanted sites such CNS or FOXNews news to get information on the Republican proposals such as this one:

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