This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Biometric Social Security cards

This article details a plan put forth by D- Chuck Schumer and R-Linsey Graham. The plan would link your social security card through biometrics. This plan they claim would prevent illegal immigrants from getting work through fake I.D.s. This sounds like a great plan however there are problems. Michael Cherry who is president of identification-technology company Cherry biometrics questions several parts. "What study have we done?" "We just have a few assumptions" Cherry states. The article lists potential problems such as the size and scale of the project and the costs of making companies install these card readers. The error rate would be less than 1% however that number comes to 1.5 million people as the article states. Finally this quote makes me the most skeptical of the techonlogy, "Cherry half-jokes that someone could falsify such an ID in 15 minutes, and Khosla says that while current technology makes fingerprints the most feasible biometric marker to use, they're also one of the easiest to steal." Dean Pradeep Khosla is founding director of Carnegie Mellon's cybersecurity lab. I think that before we trust the government with this massive a program we make sure that it can be done correctly.

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