This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Beyond Pork

This article describes how Bush is using tax revenues to hold an extravagant reception for Queen Elizabeth. According to sources, Laura Bush has claimed responsibility for notching up the formality a few levels. To top it off, Britain will hold a similar reception for George and Laura when they visit later this week. How irresponsible to hold five-course meals on gold dinnerware with tax revenues! Bush and QE better hatch some damn good foreign policy to justify that overpriced rendezvous. The median vote theorem states that both Bush and QE will hold fancy dinners for each other because both decision makers want to travel and to engage in wasteful spending that makes pork spending seem miles better.


GTW said...

I can understand the high spending on the dinnerware and all the lavish extras. Think about it, your dealing with the leader of the free world, President George Bush. That alone should be enough to justify the spending tax revenues. I mean what would you want them to do for QE, serve dinner on paper plates and eat of plastic spoons, all in hopes of saving a little tax revenue? Thats ridiculous.

Alan Finley said...

i'm sure most of the white house' dinnerware was paid for years ago. also, holding a state dinner costs nothing compared to one day in iraq. as for the dinner the queen is holding later in the week, the royals are merely figureheads and have not collected tax dollars for a long time. it says in the article this is the first such state dinner bush has hosted, so i would not compare this spending to the infinite amount of wasted pork spending.

Reidy said...

I really don't think this is that ridiculous. I read about this in the Washington Post and this is only the 5th state dinner that Bush has held since he has been in office and none have been nearly this extravagant. Plus, it's not like that Queen visits the US very often. I don't think this one formal dinner is going to make a huge dip in our budget.

"JPO" Joseph Ohler said...

It’s all relative all right, especially if you’re in the Royal Family! lol

walker sc ranger said...

You know, this is the Queen! Not only is she one of the most important people in the world, think of the historic symbolism. Go all out and spare no expense, but then send her the bill. You know we had to pay for rebuilding the White House in 1949 due in part to the damage done by the British when they burned Washington in 1812.

deborahmweigel said...

can you imagine how silly the United States would look if we couldnt even provide the use of good china for the Queen. We need not tee-off anymore countries over something so simple.

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