This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Protect America Act...helpful or dangerous for Americans?

Saturday came with a threat by the White House that the President will veto a proposal to expand the cleverly named Protect America Act by 30 days instead of making it permanent. The act is due to expire on Thursday evening. The article at hand outlines arguments on both sides of the debate. Many Democrats, not wanting to look soft on the threat of terrorism but trying to protect civil liberties, oppose the idea of permanence as well as immunity for telecommunications companies facing multiple lawsuits for warrantless wiretapping following the attacks in September of 2001. The 30 day expansion is, in large part, meant to give time for coming up with a new surveillance legislation. The threat of a veto seems incredibly premature and impatient. With an issue as important as this, and one that has the extreme potential to disrupt civil liberties, it is essential that legislation is carefully thought out and finally written. Could this push have something to do with a particularly important speech the President is to give on...ohhh say...Monday night?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dani is my hero. everyone get posting.