This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Ted, Patrick, Caroline Kennedy Endorse Obama

Senator Kennedy joins fellow Massachusetts Senator Kerry in endorsing Obama for President. The article explains why the Senator decided to do this, and goes further into detail on who other members of the Kennedy family will endorse. This may be good for getting the Far Left to endorse Obama, but I am not sure that this will do anything to get Conservative Democrats or Liberal Republicans to vote for him. Elections are not won by winning the extremist vote, but the moderate to independent. Furthermore I doubt that adding a Flip-flopper in Kerry, and alcoholic murderer in Kennedy will make anyone change their mind in who to support. In fact I think that it might even turn some people off. I even remember seeing a bumper sticker that once said: "My gun has killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car", a fact that has sunk his every Presidential Bid, and which may be an obstacle for Senator Obama. In the end all this may be for nothing as many see Obama as unqualified for the job, which I agree, making Senator Clinton the nominee, who is equally as unelectable paving the way for another Republican Victory in November.

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