This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Senate Likely to Pass Bill on Kids' Health Insurance

Unlike a few years ago, Republicans are wildly against this bill, mostly because it offers health care to immigrant children. Personally, I think the GOP is doomed if they keep alienating immigrants (and especially their children).


gshuster said...

Republicans do not support the bill because:

It outsources parental responsibilities to one's neighbors and it incentivizes irresponsibility. The fact that non-citizens are included in this is an additional issue.

gshuster said...

No one hates immigrants.

Nathaniel Haack said...

gshuster, whoever you are, PLEASE DO NOT MISQUOTE ME. Your first comment is a legitimate response. As for your second, however, I said NOTHING about hating immigrants, nor did I imply such. I suggested that the GOP is alienating immigrants, which if you look at the 2008 election, you will see has a factual base. My opinion is that the GOP needs more immigrant votes in the future to prevent the death of the political party, since the immigrant population continues to rise.

gshuster said...

I responded to this:

"Republicans are wildly against this bill, mostly because it offers health care to immigrant children".

No, they are not against the bill "mostly" because it helps immigrant children.

You said they were "mostly against" the bill for that reason.

I am stating: no, they are against it mostly because they are ideologically opposed to free state healthcare for anyone. They are not mostly against it because it helps illegals.

That is an additional issue. I am not misquoting you. That is an exact quote.

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