This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.


When I started to read this article I thought it was going to be about a federal power showdown between the democrats in congress and the president. The more I read the more absurd it sounded. The article is about the president calling for congress to cut earmarks in halve and that he would veto any spending bill that was sent to him if the earmarks were out of controll. President Bush fighing earmarks seemed crazy to me for several reasons. First, you never heard any talk from the White House or congressional republicians about stopping out of controll earmark spending when they were in control of the purse; it seems to me that now that the republicians dont control the spending they now have a problem with out of control spending when they have failed to have a balanced budget for years. Second, what new spending bills does the president congress is going to be sending him any time soon. All the spending bills for the remainder of his term have already been past. So I hope you find this article as amusing as I did.


MSULEJIC said...

What is crazy is that a bill must be signed as a whole, and despite not liking parts of it, must be accepted or vetoed that way. What we need is a partial veto for spending bills that can take out earmarks. Clinton had this for a while before the Supreme Court deemed it Unconstitutional. So this will take a amendment to the Constitution, so tell your Senator and House member to do something if you want this to change.

Kaila said...

“The president decided that he needed to give the Congress a very clear indication of what he was going to do,” Ms. Perino said. “Last year he called on Congress to voluntarily cut the number of earmarks in half; they did not do that.”
My question is what is going to be different this year? Also, why just now, is Bush deciding to cut down on earmarks?