This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Is Cantor the new Gingrich?

Congressional Republicans, finding themselves in a weakened state much like they were in 1993 have turned to representative Eric Cantor for leadership. Will Cantor be the new Newt Gingrich? This article draws many comparisons between now an then.

1 comment:

j oddsen said...

Considering that I would think of myself as "left-leaning" a bad taste comes to my mouth when I hear the name Newt Gingrich. I always prescribed to the slogan "No Newts is Good News." With that being said Gingrich's ability to rally the Republican troops when they were down and be one of the most influential figures in bringing Congress back under the control of the Republican in 1994 cannot and should not be ignored. Whether Cantor can live up to the Gingrich comparisons will be determined truly in 2010.

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