This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Krugman rips centrists

Paul Krugman offers his criticism of representatives moving to the center


sylviasindependence said...

I think that when history looks back at this 2 or three years from now they are only going to blame people because it is not going to work. I can't believe congress is only looking at a stimulus package to spur the economy. Our government should also consider how to increase our exports and decrease our imports.

Sylvia Ortiz

TRKelly said...

Under the Bush Administration the focus was to boost the exporting industries. That is what the American Dollar became so weak, to make US goods more appealing to foreign nations. However, there are more than just physical goods that are included in the trade deficit. The US is also one of the leading countries in exports of services to other nations. Other nations can produce many of the goods we have here for much cheaper than we can produce them. Those nations do not have the same amount of regulations on production that the US does. So outside of destroying the US Dollar than it already is, there is not much more that can be done to encourage more exports.

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