This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Palin Told to Pay Back Taxes

Well, so much for that "Maverick-y" tax reform her and McCain were so adamant about. I have some stipulations about this, I have no tolorance for those who try to pull a fast one on the government with hiding their taxes, especially when those individuals are representing the State! I think this should be an immediate reason for impeachment for all politicians, but that's just my opinion.


Nathaniel Haack said...

Amazing she's still in the news. I mean, Alaska is 70,000 people larger than the city of Milwaukee. People like Mayor Barrett are never in the national news (maybe he pays his taxes and doesn't argue for abstinence only education while his teenage daughter gets pregnant). While it may be a good thing that she is continuously ripped on in the media (might make her think twice about running for president in 2012), it keeps her in the national spotlight, making her into a media martyr to irrational evangelicals (note: I am not calling all evangelicals irrational).

TRKelly said...

Well with all the tax talk about Obama's appointees, the media just had to find someone from the "other" side to attack to take the heat off of Geithner, Daschle, Killefer, and Solis.

Keys 1 on 1 said...

Politicians that don't pay their taxes need to be kicked out, impeached. If we don't pay our taxes...they are coming for us. Having power means you get to slide a little, but a normal citizen,no way...u going down.

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