This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Despite Losses, Nancy Pelosi to Run for House Post

As we discussed in class this week, party leadership can contribute significantly to the shaping of both a political party's power and agenda in Congress. This New York Times article discusses Nancy Pelosi's recent decision to run in next week's party elections in an effort to remain the leader of House Democrats, and whether or not Pelosi's decision may ultimately have a negative impact on the 2012 elections.


Ben said...

If Ms. Pelosi is such a polarizing figure, is it a wise move for the Democrats to select her as minority leader?

Annie Prak said...

In my opinion, it seems unwise to allow Pelosi to remain as the leader of House Democrats. While she may have been unnecessarily demonized over the past election cycle, it seems that many of those dissatisfied with the Democratic Party now equate both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid with their reasons for dissatisfaction. Should Pelosi be selected as minority leader, it may send a message that the Democrats feel no need to change in response to the current national trends, a message that may ultimately prove detrimental for the Democratic Party in the 2012 elections.

alena.joling said...

I read another article about this in the Washington Post that brought up the points that Pelosi is raises more money than any other House Democrat, she is "unsurpassed at counting votes and holding her caucus together", and that she will provide the right balance if Obama "sells them out" with a Republican controlled congress. For these reasons, some call her "irreplaceable" I thought these were valid points, but is it enough? The strongest to me is the first so my question is; would she not be able to raise as much money were she to step down?

alena.joling said...

Here is the link if anyone is interested:

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