This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Obama Care

Obama Care was supposed to be the answer to out of control health care. The uninsured were to be the beneficiaries of this new program that was supposed to lower health care cost and make the health care system more accessible.
But the bill was 1000 plus pages and none of the legislators read the bill. According to House Speaker Pelosi, “we have to pass the bill first to see what’s in it”. Now that the bill has passed, against the will of the majority of Americans, we are now starting to see the unintentional consequences of this bill that was larger then the yellow pages.
McDonalds will have to cut the health care for it’s low wage earners. Was this really the answer to the health care problem?

The Houses uncertain agenda

This article discusses the agenda the House faces before they are able to adjourn. In the last few weeks of the session the Senate is still divided over whether to extend the Bush tax cuts before they expire and it is unlikely they will come to a decision before the session ends. Other bills waiting to be voted on are a NASA authorization bill, a child nutrition bill and a bill providing health care to Sept 11th first responders. The slow progress being made in the House before the session ends could be attributed to everyone anxiously awaiting the upcoming elections. Reelection is vital and is the most important thing on every ones plate right now.

Many Big Donors to Democrats Cut Support

The article suggests a kind of contribution "fatigue" among liberal donors, but I think they probably just don't want to waste their money on what they presume to be a lost cause. Maybe they are saving their money for 2012? It's interesting that at the begining of the electoral cycle, it was the Republicans that were scrambling for cash. In any event, record amounts of money are being spent this campaign season fueled in part by "Super PACs." Some estimates predict, "$3 billion in total spending on political and issue ads."

RECESSION ENDS!!! (over a year ago???)

This is an interesting article detailing the recent conclusion that the U.S. recession ended in June of 2009. How can this be? Aren't we all still upset that President Obama hasn't pulled this car out of the ditch yet? The article also points out that this was the longest recession since the Great Depression. Does this mean experts were correct when they predicted this would be the worst recession since the Great Depression soon after Wall Street collapsed? If this article is telling the truth, why are we all so upset?

Florida Democrats Start Advertisement Battle

In the Florida race for Governor, the Democratic party starts an advertisement that tries to put the death blow into the Republican candidate Charlie Crist.

Obama’s Visit Was Not Simple

This article offers an interesting glimpse at the political implications of Obama's visit to UW-Madison today, which was viewed more as a campaign rally for the Democratic Party than a presidential visit.

Only 5 Weeks

With only 5 weeks left, the race "tightens" between democratic and republican parties.

Ad's Target Seniors

Here is a neat article on advertisements, it shows how advertisements target a group of people and in this case it is in Indiana and seniors.

RE: GOP Leadership Ignores Ryan (from post below)

In this statement Ryan specifies first and foremost that his "Roadmap" addresses the national debt and unsustainable government growth, and well as the faltering economy. Most people agree that those are pressing issues. Most people also have very little faith in either the Republican or Democrats ability, or desire even, to confront the national debt and the bloating government. Neither party has the will to face these long term issues.

Perhaps in making a statement to Republicans that he won't play their games, that he won't join them in ignoring issues any longer, and that his plan is better then theirs, Ryan is hurting his career. But as critics of the "Pledge" have noted, it really has no guts. The "Pledge" is just a bunch of pretty pictures and posturing before November. Ryan's plan is concrete.

Anyone who were to take some time and explore his Roadmap for America's Future site can see just how in-depth his plan really is. It's laid out clear as day in great detail. Regardless of whether you agree with all or any of it, you can't dispute that is has guts. Here's the link.

Ryan's plan proposes putting some decision making, currently done by government, back in the hands of Americans. It's risky to be talking like that in Washington, with all those Republicans and Democrats running all over the place up there on the hill. Sometimes a leader needs to act in a risky manner in order to make a point about what he honestly feels is best for his country.

GOP Leadership Ignores Ryan

A quick note pointing out that Republican fiscal policy workhorse Paul Ryan doesn't seem likely to play a big part in the near-future GOP leadership.

Harry Reid Preps Procedural War against Republicans

This article discusses Harry Reid's efforts to control the final talking points before voters go to the polls. According to the article, this maneuver will give Democrats "a chance to talk about overseas jobs and tax loopholes and slam the Republican economic agenda" in effort to try and secure some of the Democratic seats up for re-election.

Star Power Used to Bring Attention to a Worthy Cause?

I want to first say that I am a fan of Stephan Colbert however, my first reaction was not positive to his apperence on Capital Hill Friday morning.

He appeared, in character, before a Senate Committee to testify about the issue of migrant farm workers in the US. He based his "testimony" off his one experience in the fields. Truthfully, I had seldom considered the issue of migrant farm work or lack there of, previous to this headline. So is it appropriate? The answer is not clear. He has brought attention to the issue, but at what cost to the public perspective of Senate Hearings?

Although I am not a fan of the Speaker of the House, she summed it up well when asked if it was appropriate for Mr. Colbert to testify by simply stating; "Of course I think it's appropriate. He's an American, right?"

In the words of Mr. Colbert himself, "USA #1".

Timing of the Tax Cut Vote

I thought this article really emphasized how American politics revolve around elections. Taking note of Harry Reid's reasoning for delaying the vote until after elections seems to be a bit of a paradox. He wants the vote post-election due to the "hesitancy of some politically vulnerable Democrats", though his party could (is likely to) lose the majority. I'm not sure I understand Reid's reasoning here! If anyone could shed some light on this I'm greatly interested.

Slick William Clinton

Can anyone, Republican or Democrat, watch this and not get a little twinge of nostalgia with regard to our 42nd President William Jefferson Clinton?

This was on Morning Joe - an MSNBC program I rarely miss that airs weekdays 5-8am, which has gotten rough on me since I lost my DVR capabilities due to the emergence of my roommate as a total cheapskate/deadbeat, but I digress - this Thursday. Contained within the discourse about the various topics discussed are some nice references to what Bill Clinton might suggest to President Obama and his fellow Dem's, especially considering the volatile climate surrounding the upcoming midterm elections.

P.S. Check out CGI!!!

Congress to look into football related concussions

I think this and the whole steroids debate in baseball bring up an interesting debate. I am a huge sports fan, and obviously I want baseball to be steroid free and hate seeing football players going down with concussions. But there seems to be a debate on whether or not the government should step in and tell sports leagues how to run their leagues and teams. Should Congress be able to change things in sports and if the economy is a mess. And if there is the War on Terror going on, 14.2 percent or whatever it is now jobless rate, and so may other issues going on, should they be taking a day to talk about sports?

Contract With America 2.0

House Republicans unveil their campaign and legislative agenda for the 2010 elections.

Barrett closes in on Walker

In the Wisconsin gubernatorial race, Milwaukee Major Tom Barrett is gradually closing in on Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker's lead. Given Walker's more extreme record on many issues including supporting the sale of Milwaukee Parks to private owners and cutting over 300 Milwaukee county jobs during an economic crisis, it seems as though Barrett is more likely to take the moderate vote.

On an unrelated note, I recommend as an excellent online news source for Wisconsin politics.

Thank You Sarah Palin for more Republican women candidates

This election season has had more women republican candidates then before. According to the article Sarah Palin opened the door for these women. Only 73 seats in the House are held by women and in the Senate only 17 are women.

Republicans May Strip Murkowski of Committee Slot

As the Republican Party moves to support their candidates, it seems like they might have to deal with some folks who aren't on board the Tea Party Express. Murkowski might be the first victim. Why might the GOP punish Murkowski while the Democrats allowed Joseph Lieberman to keep his committee posts?

UPDATE: Murkowski keeps committee assignment, but resigns as vice chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. More of a haircut than a beheading.

Popular Dem Gov free-falling in Senate race.

The Democratic Governor of West Virginia, whose job approval in Charleston is over 60% and once had close to a 20% lead to take over the late Robert Byrd's seat, now trails Republican Jon Rease by 3. The people feel he has done a very good job running the state but apperatly are less enthuasistic of him in the Senate. I conclude that they are basing their decesion on National politics (ie Healthcare, stimulus etc), because otherwise he should be winning based on his popularity as Governor. If politics were local he should win. This to me shows the Republican stratagey of nationalizing all the races will work, and Democrats need to make every election local, like the 30some Democratcs running for the House running ads against Nancy Pelosi.

Campaign funding used for personal expenses

It seems Odonnell has used some of her campaign finacing to fund herself rather then her campaign. She supposdeldy used $20,000 on personal expenses. So now an independent group is going after her for breaking the rules, it will be interesting to see how this will hinder her bid for election.

Tea Party Success and Possible Civil War for the GOP

The Tea Party is causing quite the controversy even within the Republican party. This article really shows some good insight to how some other Republican candidates feel about the Tea Party and it discusses the possible seperation of the Republican party because of the Tea Party Express.

Some Democrats break with leaders on tax cuts

Nancy Pelosi and House Majority leader Steney Hoyer were sent a letter by 31 House Democrats supporting the continuation of tax breaks for everyone, rather than letting them expire for the wealthy. Unsurprisingly, as we discussed in class the importance of appearing moderate, many of those who signed are up for reelection this year.

Tea Party Victory for Democrats?

Democrats see the Tea Party victories as a positive for the up coming elections because it is showing a divide in the Republican party as a whole.

Democrats Invoking Palin to Stir Base

This week in class, we briefly discussed pragmatic parties and pure parties. This article from the New York Times makes a fairly strong claim that the Democratic Party's current approach is completely pragmatic. Instead of attaching themselves to any sort of definite ideology, the Democratic Party is instead focused on branding the opposition; thereby leaving themselves as the only viable alternative. They are also strategically painting Palin as the head of the Republican Party, whether or not the Republican Party would agree, in order to appeal to a greater number of voters.

Joseph Cao Loves the Obama!

I thought this was a good example of a candidate trying to appeal to the center. Joseph Cao, a republican congressman representing Louisiana's 2nd district is obviously appealing to democrats. It is also interesting to note that his website is primarily blue. More evidence of the battle for middle ground.

Newsweek article about stimulus package

Article about how stimulus package/minds who crafted it wasn't well done to address economy's needs

Dem Hopeful ask Pelosi to Step Down.

Brett Carter is running in the Tennessee 6th, a seat held by fellow Democrat Bart Gordon since 1984 but is solidly Republican, stated he feels Nancy Pelosi should step down and that he would not vote for her as Speaker. With her approval rating at a mindboggling 11% will more Dems throw her under the bus to get themselves elected?

Johnson and Feingold to debate three times

I chose this article because debates can really have an impact on a congressional race. The number of times can be tricky to determine because just as a member can improve themselves in a debate, they can also screw themselves as well. I know Feingold wanted five debates at one time, but they had to compromise to three.

National Republicans Embrace O'Donnell

While we were in class, the GOP decided to get on board with Christine O'Donnell and their Delaware primary voters.

Tea Party

It seems that not only are established Republicans having trouble holding onto office over the summer months. Looks like the tea party movement might just have some steam after all. For many, the country appears to be going in the wrong direction and that direction is being helped with Republicans that think big government is the norm. Enter the Tea Party to get Republicans or Conservatives to rethink their positions as voters seem to be willing to throw the bums out and retake their government back. With all this movement and Obama polling in the low 40's, seem like politicians on both side of the aisle are rethinking positions. Most Dems must be scared even when Fiengold dodged Obama when he came to town to stomp for Barrett. Is Obama the poster child for what's wrong with government?

Website colors

The tidbit about website colors from class monday piqued my interest slightly, but I decided to look into it a bit only after I noticed all the GREEN in Paul Ryan's site yesterday. I went to to see how many of his fellow REPUBLICANS also have large amounts of green all over their sites (I supposed green would be more likely found in significant quantities on DEMOCRATS' sites). Of the 28 congressmen/women whose sites I checked out, (last names beginning A-B) I only found 3 more with any significant amounts of GREEN (Gus Bilirakis, John Boehner, and Mary Bono Mack). ...Oh well. However I noticed that of those 28 sites, only 8 had anything more than nearly unnoticeable hints of RED. Isn't that the GOP's favorite color??? Nearly all were completely BLUE.

Of the first 27 DEMOCRAT house member's sites I checked (last names beginning A-B), roughly half had GREEN in them, but none had nearly as much as Ryan's. As expected, all of them were completely BLUE, but only three had any hint of RED in them.

Bush Tax cuts

This is a pretty nice article that relates somewhat to what we were discussing in class on monday 9-13-2010 about how if you stray away from your parties ideologies you sometimes get shunned and ridiculed by your own members. It deals with a Republican figure, in this case Boehner stating he would side with Obama on the Bush Tax issue if he had no other choice. Other republican congressmen and women ridiculed his statement and his decision to side with the "opposition".

governator looking for Russia

This has very little to do with Congressional Politics, expect that its the Governator. I just thought it was funny that he "twittered" about flying over Alaska and making jokes about Sarah Palin and her famous seeing Russia from Alaska comments.

external influence...

I found the bit in this editorial article about the Delaware GOP Senate primary really interesting. It's really interesting to note that the key power players behind many of these new ideologues showing up out of the tea party seem to be exclusively national figures, especially from the media. "all politics is local", to me, seems to be a dying phrase, especially regarding the tea party movement. Can politics be Too nationalized?

Lincoln Chafee on the Daily Show

Here is the complete clip of Lincoln Chafee's appearance on the Daily Show after his Senate election loss in November 2006.

Welcome to Fall

The 2010 midterm elections are soon. There is so much to do and so little time to do it.

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