This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Obama Care

Obama Care was supposed to be the answer to out of control health care. The uninsured were to be the beneficiaries of this new program that was supposed to lower health care cost and make the health care system more accessible.
But the bill was 1000 plus pages and none of the legislators read the bill. According to House Speaker Pelosi, “we have to pass the bill first to see what’s in it”. Now that the bill has passed, against the will of the majority of Americans, we are now starting to see the unintentional consequences of this bill that was larger then the yellow pages.
McDonalds will have to cut the health care for it’s low wage earners. Was this really the answer to the health care problem?


Ben said...

I'm glad someone brought this topic up, because the claim is troublesome and shows why we need to be skeptical when we hear radical claims. Whether any of us like the health care law or not (I'm not a big fan myself), we have to remain honest. There is a rumor circulating about a statement Nancy Pelosi made about health care. The statement is both taken out of context and incorrect, which changes the entire meaning of her statement. Here is what she actually said with a little context:

“You’ve heard about the controversies within the bill, the process about the bill, one or the other. But I don’t know if you have heard that it is legislation for the future, not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America, where preventive care is not something that you have to pay a deductible for or out of pocket. Prevention, prevention, prevention—it’s about diet, not diabetes. It’s going to be very, very exciting. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

She never said we have to pass the bill to see what's in it. She said we have to pass the bill so YOU can see what's in it. In other words, so we can see there aren't 'Death Panels' or funding for abortions, etc. She wasn't claiming she didn't know what was in it. She was pointing out that the opponents were lying about the bill.

Again, few are happy with the law, but we can at least debate it honestly. Also, this applies to all comments about all people.

Sarah Stoychoff said...

I am confused about the health bill in general. I personally am not a fan of free health care, and I feel that these employees at Mcdonald's were going to be the one's who would benefit from the new health care, but now they may lose this? Just some more crazy politics.

Sarah Stoychoff said...

I am confused about the health bill in general. I personally am not a fan of free health care, and I feel that these employees at Mcdonald's were going to be the one's who would benefit from the new health care, but now they may lose this? Just some more crazy politics.

Perry said...
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Perry said...

I stand corrected on Pelosi comment

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