This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.


I'm only registered in Madison so I voted absentee on my lunch break from work on Thursday. Just for fun: I never vote strictly party line, and XXXXX.

I have a feeling, call it a premonition, that I've voted for XXXX again, but hey I voted with my heart, and I never would have even voted if I hadnt been subconciously coerced into doing so in lecture on Wednesday.

So anyway...GO VOTE! Or dont I dont care.

EDITED [TOFIAS]: Let's not talk about who we voted for.

ADs ADs Ads

politico highlights some of the more controversial and shameless last ditch efforts to slander and defame opponents before tuesday.

Joe Manchin Ad

I posted this ad because it speaks a lot to what we talked about in class when it comes to Congressional races being tied to the president's aproval. Manchin is a Democrat and in this ad he is saying he is going to repeal some of Obama care, that guns are good which usually a no, no for Democrats, and that he won't allow cap and trade to pass because it will hurt West Virginia's coal mining. Some feel Manchin would just be a "rubber stamp" for Obama, but this ad tries to distance himself from Obama.

Schumer and Durbin's under the radar play for leader

Article about how Senators Schumer and Durbin are pumping money to Democrats and state parties, no doubt subtely laying the groundwork for a run at leader if Harry Reid looses.

In Minnesota, A Tight Race for Governor With No Incumbent

Although this article discusses a gubernatorial race rather than a Congressional one, it still ties in very well with our recent discussion of incumbents and challengers. Though we have discussed the kind of situations that occur when strong incumbents or strong challengers run for re-election or election, it is quite interesting to see a real-life situation play out in which there are three challengers without the threat of an incumbent. The article also hints at the spatial model in relation to where each challenger lies on the political spectrum!

Best and Worst of the 2010 Political Ads

This is a short segment from the Today Show discussing the year's best and worst political ads. The round-up for this year includes demon sheep and candidates who kick children in the face!

Miller for Alaska Ad

Joe Miller meets the Old Spice Guy?

The Making of a Political Viral Video

Barney Frank's challenger tries to go viral on the internet with a political advertisement.

Chris Coons the Taxman

Carly for California Ad

A pretty funny advertisement used by Carly Fiorina (R) running for Senator in California.

"Different This Time Around?"

It seems as though everyone is commenting on the upcoming midterms and in most cases it seems as though their analysis of it is wrong. Yes, the GOP is going to walk away with some significant gains but, is this really any different than any other midterm? The short answer is no however, there is a certain intangible difference in the level of anger and frustration that the article eludes to.
Also, the effect of John Stewart and Stephan Colbert is a little overplayed. I, as I assume the rest of the class too, do not pull there political news from late night comedy shows.

Feingold v Johnson

As election day approaches, according to this article, Feingold would be more then happy to have the election come down to which candidate is "fiscally responsible". What it comes down to is, which candidate can sell their ideas more, both are completely different and it looks like Feingold will have a run for his money with Johnson.

Powerful Statement

This ad by Sharron Angle's supporters makes several powerful messages and uses footage from real news segments to portray Reid as a failure when it came to protecting Nevada's jobs.

Where to Donate?

So let's say you want to make a campaign contribution this midterm that will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Sam Wang argues you should contribute to the Nevada, West Virginia, Colorado, or Illinois Senate campaigns. His advice combines both the size of the state and it's competitiveness (link via Brendan Nyhan).

Rand Paul Attack Ad

Ron Johnson White Board

The video I like about the Johnson campaign

I Am Not a Witch... Not that there's anything wrong with that

Christine O'Donnel's much maligned campaign ad, where she tries to rebut the jokes about her dabbling in witchcraft that stemmed from her declaration many years ago on Bill Maher's show. The failure of her ad in trying to move beyond the issue was brought up in her debate by Wolf Blitzer, and lampooned on Saturday Night Live


Somebody please help me understand what is going on in this country! I always thought that if something is “illegal” it is prohibited from someone or some organization to do. So please tell me this isn’t true what I’ve just read, that it’s okay for people the country illegally are politically campaigning for a “Democrat” for votes. Wow, where are we headed?

Feingold and Johnson in a dead heat according to recent poll

Senator Feingold is two points (within the margin of error; hence either one could possibly be ahead of the other) behind Ron Johnson in a recent St. Norbert College poll. However, even if Senator Feingold is leading, will voter participation play a role in a Feingold loss?

Democrats & the House

I found this article to be pretty relative to our class lecture on Wednesday. The article reports on the House's upcoming election and how Democrats are in danger of losing majority control and the reasons for their loss of voter support. The article also discusses the incumbent v. challenger element of campaigns.

Keeping the Theme going

The Wall Street Journal article about how the labor union AFSCME leads all groups, including the Chamber of Commerce by $12 million, in spending this election. Talks about how they can spend more money after citizens united, so the question becomes if both sides can spend money more easily doesn't it even out. Answer an attack ad with one of your own. It bight bore the average tv viewer, but nobody watches commercials anymore thanks to dvr and such.

Follow Up Re: Money in Elections/Robert's America

I wanted to pose this question related to the link above and the posts below to see if anyone has an opinion:

Does the new interpretation of rights to free speech a la the Citizens decision invite this type of interaction between lawmakers and partisan support groups?

Specifically, could this have gone on before Citizens, and assuming the answers is yes to some degree is, it easier or more advantageous in light of the loosened restrictions due to Citizens?

Don’t Follow the Money

David Brooks calls money in politics, "primitive mythology of the political class." He alludes to some of the ideas we are studying right now about the relationship between winning elections and campaign finance.

John Roberts' America

In class this week, we discussed elections as it relates to candidates, as well as how money can have a significant influence upon candidates' campaigns.
This article considers the current ramifications of the Citizens-United ruling, and how significantly the ruling has affected this year's midterms, especially for a general population that continues to be inundated with political ads paid for by unknown sources.


I know this is a Congress class and all but I found this relevant because I believe I posted something about debates earlier with Feingold and Johnson. This is the New York Governor's debate, and it really shows how debates can help in a way, but they can also be almost comical and some feel a waste of time. That is if even people watch them. Although this one was really funny and I kind of wish I could find a full version of this one because the rent is too damn high.

Obama Campaign Trail in 2010

President Obama is on a campaign trail on the West Coast trying to urge the significance of the Mid-Term Elections of 2010. He is also trying to get in his say for his seat in 2012. This is a very cool article depicting what Professor Tofias brought forth during class on Monday saying that Obama is not only pushing for democratic Senators and Reps, but he is also pushing for his own ticket in 2012.

Crunch time=lots of commericals

This article ties in with some of our discussion during out last class. It discusses the amount of adds being played in Nevada and other cities as well as how the GOP is spending more money, probably due to the fact that they are the challengers as we learned in class.

Realignment of Southern Party Politics

In class we talked about the President's interest in Congressional elections. How his goal is a unified government or to minimize the number of seats lost. We also talked about his power to endorse and campaign for his parties candidates. Right now in the South, where the Democrats stand to lose a lot of seats in what could prove to be a major political realignment or party politics. Because of this, many of the democrats are trying to distance themselves from Obama and the party program.

Gutter Politics

Kentucky senate candidates, Rand Paul and Jack Conway are now in a dirty fight over "gutter politics". Conway's campaign created a commercial that exposed Paul and his religion choices in college. Paul called Conway out on a televised debate asking for an apology...

Don't asked don't tell because I don't want to know

When a man is in a foxhole fighting for his life, it’s not the time for the man next to him to say, “hay buddy, I’m gay”. No body in the military needs to know that nor does anyone care about the life style anyone is living. But now come a judge from California overruling the congress regarding this issue I feel should be kept secret. I always thought we elect a congress to pass rules and laws and that it’s up the courts to interpret the law and not make them. Elections have consequences!

The Education of President Obama

This article is an interesting examination of just how much Obama's relationship with Congress has affected his first two years in office, both in the eyes of the general public as well as in the eyes of Washington.

As Obama states in the article, "we probably spent much more time trying to get the policy right than trying to get the politics right. There is probably a perverse pride in my administration — and I take responsibility for this; this was blowing from the top — that we were going to do the right thing, even if short-term it was unpopular. And I think anybody who’s occupied this office has to remember that success is determined by an intersection in policy and politics and that you can’t be neglecting of marketing and P.R. and public opinion.”


So, while never missing a single riveting episode of Jeopardy last week I couldn't help but notice a few political ads that aired. I am honestly undecided about these two candidates; Although I think Feingold owned the debates in a substantive sense, I don't know how much real substance plays into voter's minds at the ballots compared to precisely planned and rhetorically charged campaign ads. Here are two and my opinions of them:

Johnson's I think is poignant, altough it doesnt make mention of the usefulness a working knowledge of the law can have in creating them, the numbers themselves are striking. Even if the implied connection between the lack of manufacturers and accountants in the Senate and the exploding national debt is a fallacious one, politics is about perception.

Feingold's... is pointless. Seriously, you gotta believe I am not rooting for anyone here...but can anyone honestly tell me what the hell just happened? Maybe you need to go to Harvard AND be a Rhodes scholar to pick up on all the allegories...idk.


Feingold v. Johnson Leads in Campaign Ads

As we're moving into our course module on elections, it seems pretty useful that we're knee deep in campaigns. In fact, Wisconsin leads in total Senate campaign television ads aired since September 1st. Be on the lookout for good ones and link to them.

Tea Party Targeting Dems

The Tea Party Express is ready to take off on another rally across states to target Democrats. They newly added Democrat from Mass. Barney Frank to their "hit list". He is added to the list with Harry Reid from Nevada.

funding secrets!

We haven't really mentioned funding in class yet, but I found this article very interesting since we have the democrats primarily Obama and Gibbs calling out the Republicans for receiving donations from undisclosed sources. Though it was pointed out in the article that the democrats are guilty of the same action. My overall point is should we allow either party to keep their supporters private? I personally believe we should force candidates to disclose a list of all their supporters because ultimately when we vote for candidates we are also voting for the agendas of these undisclosed supporters since they can influence a candidate with their supply of cash.

A Vote Some Dems Might Regret

Political scientists Steven Greene and Seth Masket find that Democratic members of the House who represent conservative districts and voted for healthcare reform are taking about a 3% point hit in their quest for reelection.

Advertisements for Democrats?

More Democrats are running ads making themselves seem more Republican. Mostly saying they go against Obama and Pelosi.

Debates Tonight (Friday, 10/8)

Just a reminder that in addition to tonight's Senatorial debate being held in Milwaukee between incumbent Dem Russ Feingold and GOP new-comer Ron Johnson;

Attorney General JB Van Hollen and his Democrat challenger Scott Hassett will square off tonight on PBS as well.

7:30 PBS "Here and Now" - (R) Van Hollen vs. (D) Hassett
8:00 CBS Senate Debate - (R) Johnson vs. (D) Feingold

Finally the article I posted is supposed to be in conjunction with the following as an effort to sort of create a juxtaposition between the style and strategy employed by the two candidates.

Feingold seems to be out there shamelessly self promoting in an effort to turn out voters, while Johnson seems to be shamefully avoiding debates and the press in an effort to contain and control his image.

Either way I think a lot can be gained or lost by both candidates tonight, should make for an interesting debate!

Poll Results

This article gives a lot of really great poll results that we could imagine on a political spectrum. They give more accurate account of Obama's favoribilty than, nobody likes him. There is also a really interesting link to an interactive map for the key contests that are predicted to decide the 2010 elections.

Money=votes? maybe not

With the monumental decision Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, the barrier on how much money corporations can spend on campaigns was lifted. One might think that this would make an enormous difference in the outcome of an election, but this article says that before Corporations still spent a lot of money on advertisements during elections, but the had to be about issues of the election, not supporting one candidate over another, while now they can directly endorse one candidate over another in commercials. The money being spent since the 2006 midterm elections has more than doubled, and the money is strongly favoring Republicans, so we will have to see if this money spending will make a difference in this election.

The Founding Fathers versus the Tea Party

Considering that our discussion this week revolved around both the Founders and the Tea Party, I thought this article was a very relevant examination of the link that exists between the two groups. Although the Tea Party seems to be trying to bulk up its credibility by claiming a tie to the Founding Fathers, as we discussed in class, the Founders were hardly the harmonious group that we may sometimes view them as being. As the article states, "Any movement that regularly summons the ghosts of the founders as a like-minded group of theorists ends up promoting an uncomfortably one-sided reading of history."

Spending for the 2010 midterm elections

Noticing more ads when watching your favorite tv shows? (Jeopardy) It might have something to do with the record amounts of money being spent. It's a really interesting article, and it briefly describes the tea party as a faction.

The site where they gather some of their data from is It's a non-profit that has been around since 1971 and are the self-described "Defenders of Democracy"

Can we really trust polls?

This article does not include information I find critical in determining if we should value this polls information or not, for instance how many people were polled, what did they state as their political allegiance if they have one, and what was the age group of those polled. The ultimate question though is even if that information was provided can we still trust this poll, or any other poll?

In the article itself it states that "The problem with interpreting the generic ballot is that a national poll cannot produce the same results that 435 separate polls in 435 House districts would produce," so does that mean we shouldn't pay much attention to these polls that claim to be the "poll of polls" and what not?

Recession isn't over?

Although many experts say the recession is over, many everyday people disagree. Many are still out of work and many are wondering how it is possible to be out of a recession when the economy is so bad.

Historic election?

Article by legendary prognosticator Michael Barone saying the polling makes it look like this midterm could indeed be like 94.....1894 when the Republicans won 100 of 350 House seats. Some rather astonishing numbers of likely voters, saying if the voter turnout is lower (dems stay home) Republicans could win the popular vote (sorry Al Gore) by almost 20 points.

The NFL vs. Russ Feingold for Senate For a 4th Time

Russ Feingold's most recent bid for US Senate has got him pinned against the NFL. In a new advert for his campaign, Senator Feingold has compared "Mr. Johnson and the corperate interest" of prematurely assuming that the November election will go in their favor. In order to do this he used NFL clips of Randy Moss scoring at Lambeau. The NFL has now asked him to remove the clips to which the Feingold campaign has complied by editing the ads.

On another note, Senator Feingold mentioned a 2005 touchdown taunt by Moss as being, "one of the most significant moments" in Packers history. If I put a list of 100 most significant moments in Packers history, the Moss touchdown would be number 206. Not much of Packer Fan?

Obama Care number two

Ahh yes and Obama Care strikes again.
Now since this train has left the station, we will start to see more stories like the 3M story and McDonalds story.
You can keep your health care insurance, bunk.
I don't want to be miss understood, something needed to be done with our out of control heath care, but not this way.

Progressives in Madtown not motivated

An article about the Lefts lack of motivation about the Senate race in Madison (who can blame them during a Packer game). This is big because if Feingold doesn't dominate the 2nd district were Obama won almost 70% he will be in big trouble given the Republicans expected dominance in the suburban Milwaukee area.

Only 39 Percent Would Vote to Re-Elect Obama in 2012

Delaware Race Is Bellwether: All Politics Is Now National

Is new media the end of local politics? This article examines this question by using Christine O'Donnell's recent win as a framework. As the article states, "As money and media coverage cross state borders more easily than ever, driven by fiery commentators and online groups, we are bound to see politicians who are popular vehicles more than they are actual candidates, instruments of resentment whose grass-roots support may emanate mostly from states they have never visited." Are we moving away from both the trustee and delegate styles of representation, to a style that is less tied to local constituents than ever?

Murdoch tells Congress to secure Borders

I just found this pretty interesting because Murdoch owns many media outlets. Among them is the Fox News Channel whose slogan is Fair and Balanced. Not to make any judgements or anything because there are people out there who believe Fox News is slanted for conservatives, which securing the borders seems to be something along with that. But at the end of the article it says that Fox News is not anti-immigration, but some could feel this way since their leader is in front of Congress telling them this.

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