This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Money=votes? maybe not

With the monumental decision Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, the barrier on how much money corporations can spend on campaigns was lifted. One might think that this would make an enormous difference in the outcome of an election, but this article says that before Corporations still spent a lot of money on advertisements during elections, but the had to be about issues of the election, not supporting one candidate over another, while now they can directly endorse one candidate over another in commercials. The money being spent since the 2006 midterm elections has more than doubled, and the money is strongly favoring Republicans, so we will have to see if this money spending will make a difference in this election.

1 comment:

Ben said...

See "Spending for the 2010 midterm elections" post from earlier in the week about campaign spending. Spending for this election is, apparently, FIVE TIMES more than the presidential election.

The question is: Is this because people are really upset with the Dems or is this because of the Supreme Court decision?

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