This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.
Republicans go negative -- on one another
Law and Order's Other 2008 Presidential Character: Sam Waterson
Murtha: Four Ways to Influence a President. One is Impeachment.
Is it a legitimate threat? Absolutely. Will it work? Doubtful. Democrats care too much about 2008 to try a stunt like this. I have not supported this war from the day it began and I'd love to see it come to a quick end. However, a failed impeachment proceeding hurts Democrats nationwide in 2008, likely hurting the chances of electing a Democratic President and a legitimate withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Remember, Bush, himself, has said he doesn't believe the conflict will be near its end when he leaves office. Let the next President deal with it. It's too difficult of an issue to deal with, especially with an approval rating in the 30's and nearing the end of his term. There is just no graceful exit for the United States and that is apparent in the national conversation happening right now.
Bush Tells Immigrant Graduates to Solve Immigration Problem
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
House panel votes to subpoena Rice on Iraq
I Learn From Mistakes
Pelosi Won't Attend Briefing on Iraq
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, called the decision "irresponsible" and said it constituted a "dereliction of duty." But by the end of the day, Pelosi's office changed course and scheduled a briefing for members of the House for Wednesday, April 25.
The office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the senator would attend the classified briefing with senators on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
I wonder why they will not give the reason that she will not attend....but they make very clear that she met with him to discuss matters in length over the telephone. What is up Pelosi's sleeve...if nothing else she knows she is causing alot of conflict for a lot of people.
Bridging a Divide -- and Crossing an Ocean
Kohl amendment extending SeniorCare likely to be vetoed
Doyle lobbies for more UW funds
Sen. McCain gets tough on global warming & foreign oil reliance
Bill Clinton: World Ambassador
Senate Majority Leader says War Withdrawl Bill to be passed soon
Boris Yeltsin, RIP
Lobbyists Profit From Power Shift In Congress
House Approves A Full D.C. Seat
I think this is very important legislation and it will be very interesting to see how it all pans out. The article makes a very good point that a rep for D.C. would lead to increased representation for many people, not to mention multimillionnaires. I think it's pretty ironic that our nation's center for politics is struggling for increased representation.
Expectant House Member Is a Congressional Rarity
Congress Skeptical of Warhead Plan
Renzi Resigns from Intelligence Chair
MCs from Both Sides Dip Into Taxes for Vacations
"Obscure Procedural Fights" Does it Get Any Better?
Mazel Tov Tommy
Will Virginia shootings spur Congress to Act?
Liberals to Pelosi: Hey! We're Still Here!
Guard, Reserve leaders speak before Senate
Is it Political?
GOP presidential candidates distance themselves from Bush
Betwen Obama and Clinton for the Dems
Romney, Giuliani Have Money to Burn
Does anybody else see this as being completely ridiculous? All we hear about is lowering the deficit and all of the spending on the Iraqi war but hey lets spend $5.7 on a campaign in the first 3 months! I think this amount of money is completely out of control for a campiagn that hasn't even passed the primaries yet. It will be really interesting to see what the final costs are at the end of the upcoming election.
Gonzales: I have nothing to hide
Cheny thinks Democrats will Drop Timetables
House Hesitates on Ethics Changes
NASA Causes Turnabout on Fiscal Responsibility
If even half the money the House allocates to NASA were spent on population control, the potentially tangible and economic benefits of space exploration would all but become moot. Why such a strong push for such egregious expenditures on space programs that so far have limited very limited dividends? Rational choice theory posits that those members of Congress who vote to allocate more funding to NASA (at an extravagant $16,623,000,000 in 2006)
Amendment to FISA Proposed
1. Non-US persons evidenced as perpetrating and/or plotting proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)
2. Non-US persons suspected (without a clear link) of having a relation with a militant group or with any non-US government
Of course this broad pool includes everyone on the planet who is either not a U.S. citizen or not a hermit unaffiliated with any government. I expect an amendment that would limit the scope of the definition pretty close to its current breadth, perhaps expanding warrantless surveillance subjects to include those evidenced as proliferating WMDs. That type of amendment to the proposed amendment would likely be the median vote because the need for evidence beyond a gut feeling is what will shape perceptions of most members of Congress that that particular addition will be more difficult to abuse than the other proposed definitional expansion. Current opponents of the PATRIOT Act are likely to coalition to prevent any more latitude in permitting domestic spying.
Kerry and Gingrich Hugging Trees -- and (Almost) Each Other
It is very obvious the Gingrich is widening and changing his political positions due to his presidential campaign. "When Kerry was running for president in 2004, Gingrich said the senator "thrashed and smeared and lied about U.S. soldiers" and was guilty of "consistent distortion over and over and over again on every front."" I think it is really ridiculous the way politicians will change their stance on such crucial issue just for the votes. I realize that is how you get elected in the country but it really makes you wonder why people pursue political positions. Is it for the chance to change or improve a situation that you truely care about or is it soley about the title?
congress and morals???
Bush vs. Congress: The Looming Battle Over Executive Privilege.
Romney targets Pelosi in foreign-policy speech
“And then the Speaker of the House helped dignify a state sponsor of terror,” Romney said, in excerpts released by his campaign. “At this time of war, her action stands as one of the most partisan, divisive and ill-considered of any national leader in this decade.” Romney said the state of the U.S. military had declined during the Clinton administration, and he called for expanding the military by 100,000 troops.
Obama Challenges McCain on Iraq Stroll
"The idea that the situation in Iraq is improving because it takes a security detail of 100 soldiers, three Black Hawk helicopters and a couple of Apache gunships to walk through a market in the middle of Baghdad is simply not credible and not reflective of the facts on the ground," Obama said in a taped interview that will air as part of a Democratic presidential forum sponsored by
House committee to hold Tillman hearings
Details of GOP's Immigration Bill Strategy
Wisconsin Might Just Hang Up on "Robo-Calls"
Anyway, I'm stuck at home today waiting for the tow-truck to come get my car in somewhere as I think it might have actually kicked the bucket this time. Maybe I'll even get around to deleting the robo-calls left on my answering machine from last week.
Flaws in W2
Stem cell vote set for Congress this week
Funding for stem cell research will be discussed in Congress this week. One of the measures up for discussion is virtually identical to a bill vetoed by President Bush last week. The other bill up for discussion is a compromise worked about between The other is a compromise measure worked out by Republicans Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Norm Coleman of Minnesota, which appears to be appealing to both Democrats and Republicans. The compromise bill replaces a bill last year that would have banned stem cell research. The worry is that the President might veto legislation and support is not strong enough to override a veto. I think it is interesting because it shows how Congress must work with the President and take his ideal points into consideration as well as try to find win sets among themselves to get legislation to pass.
kerry v gingrich...debate on climate change
The debate, hosted by New York University’s John Brademas Center for the Study of Congress, will take place next Tuesday, April 10, at 10 a.m. in the Russell Senate Office Building.
I think this is going to be a VERY interesting debate. Either way the cookie crumbles, Both respectively will put up a huge fight. Let the games begin.
Fundraising numbers shake up White House race
Will Dems get Gonzales through Monica Goodling?
Your move Mr. Gonzales.
Who Cares About the Next American President When We've still Got an Idol to Crown?
Seriously, I don't watch American Idol, never have and never will. The only info I know about it is from the seemingly endless flow from competing national news outlets. I couldn't tell you who any of those people are, but I can name all the candidates for president. Somehow that seems less funny and makes me sound like I'm the weird one. Anyway, I can understand not getting people like Thompson, Hunter, Romney, Dodd, and Biden. For the love of God, Giuliani was on TV for like a year after 9/11, McCain ran before, and Obama has been the media golden child since his speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004.
lets see how we rate...taxpayers
Feingold and Reid Propose Funding Cut for Troops
Bush berates Dems over Iraq war funding
Pelosi is welcomed in Syria
The Decoy Effect, or How to Win an Election
"What the decoy effect basically shows is that when people cannot decide between two front-runners, they use the third candidate as a sort of measuring stick. If one front-runner looks much better than the third candidate, people gravitate toward that front-runner. Third candidates, in other words, can make a complicated decision feel simple."
I find this to be a very intriguing idea. This suggests that a third place runner could potentially boost votes for a front-runner that closely resembles him/her rather than taking votes away. Since there definately are leading contenders in both parties, it will be interesting to see how this theory eventually plays out.
Former Wis. Governor Enters Race for Nomination
Senate Democrats Vow to Push Withdrawal
White House criticizes Pelosi's planned Syria visit
Blog Archive
- Republicans go negative -- on one another
- Law and Order's Other 2008 Presidential Character:...
- Murtha: Four Ways to Influence a President. One i...
- Bush Tells Immigrant Graduates to Solve Immigratio...
- The Gift That Keeps on Giving
- House panel votes to subpoena Rice on Iraq
- I Learn From Mistakes
- Pelosi Won't Attend Briefing on Iraq
- Bridging a Divide -- and Crossing an Ocean
- Kohl amendment extending SeniorCare likely to be v...
- Doyle lobbies for more UW funds
- here's the mccain article
- Sen. McCain gets tough on global warming & foreign...
- Bill Clinton: World Ambassador
- Senate Majority Leader says War Withdrawl Bill to ...
- Boris Yeltsin, RIP
- Lobbyists Profit From Power Shift In Congress
- House Approves A Full D.C. Seat
- Expectant House Member Is a Congressional Rarity
- Congress Skeptical of Warhead Plan
- Renzi Resigns from Intelligence Chair
- MCs from Both Sides Dip Into Taxes for Vacations
- "Obscure Procedural Fights" Does it Get Any Better?
- Mazel Tov Tommy
- Will Virginia shootings spur Congress to Act?
- Liberals to Pelosi: Hey! We're Still Here!
- Guard, Reserve leaders speak before Senate
- Is it Political?
- GOP presidential candidates distance themselves fr...
- Betwen Obama and Clinton for the Dems
- Romney, Giuliani Have Money to Burn
- Gonzales: I have nothing to hide
- Cheny thinks Democrats will Drop Timetables
- House Hesitates on Ethics Changes
- NASA Causes Turnabout on Fiscal Responsibility
- Amendment to FISA Proposed
- Kerry and Gingrich Hugging Trees -- and (Almost) E...
- congress and morals???
- Bush vs. Congress: The Looming Battle Over Executi...
- Romney targets Pelosi in foreign-policy speech
- Obama Challenges McCain on Iraq Stroll
- House committee to hold Tillman hearings
- Details of GOP's Immigration Bill Strategy
- Wisconsin Might Just Hang Up on "Robo-Calls"
- Flaws in W2
- Stem cell vote set for Congress this week
- kerry v gingrich...debate on climate change
- Fundraising numbers shake up White House race
- Will Dems get Gonzales through Monica Goodling?
- Who Cares About the Next American President When W...
- lets see how we rate...taxpayers
- Feingold and Reid Propose Funding Cut for Troops
- Bush berates Dems over Iraq war funding
- Pelosi is welcomed in Syria
- The Decoy Effect, or How to Win an Election
- Former Wis. Governor Enters Race for Nomination
- Senate Democrats Vow to Push Withdrawal
- White House criticizes Pelosi's planned Syria visit