This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Expectant House Member Is a Congressional Rarity

Question: Is representation of the public in general hurt because of the gift/burden women endure to have children? Is it insane for a member of Congress to be expecting? What does a baby on board do to hurt or help this Congressperson, her district, and the country as a whole, if anything?


Jsobie said...

I would image that being pregnant while serving in Congress would be a big burden. I think that she will probably have a hard time because she will not be able to be there to vote all the time. That means that her district might not get the representation it deservers if she misses a lot of time. I think that it is a job though and she should get the same treatment that woman who has a job gets when they become pregnant (i.e. maternity leave).

meganlwood said...

No one ever comments on expectant fathers when they run for Congress so this is a total double standard. I understant that it it different for a woman because she has to carry the baby and give birth but come on. Not all mothers devote themselves entirely to their children. Plenty of working mothers hire nannies or have their husbands stay at home. If she is pregnant and still in politics she understands the implications and obstacles and is probably more than prepared to overcome them.

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