This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Stem cell vote set for Congress this week

Funding for stem cell research will be discussed in Congress this week. One of the measures up for discussion is virtually identical to a bill vetoed by President Bush last week. The other bill up for discussion is a compromise worked about between The other is a compromise measure worked out by Republicans Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Norm Coleman of Minnesota, which appears to be appealing to both Democrats and Republicans. The compromise bill replaces a bill last year that would have banned stem cell research. The worry is that the President might veto legislation and support is not strong enough to override a veto. I think it is interesting because it shows how Congress must work with the President and take his ideal points into consideration as well as try to find win sets among themselves to get legislation to pass.

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