This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Betwen Obama and Clinton for the Dems

Between the two candidates, Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton they have raised over $43 million dollars. And this is just the start, Clinton has over $7 million she can only have access to if she get the nomination. In this report, Barack Obama still has the advantage because just over half of his 104,000 contributors have maxed out ther $2300 donation, furthermore he will still get the other half of their money down the road, Clinton however is not out of it, she has borrowed or "transfered" $10 million from her senate campaign fund. What does this mean? It means the democratic supporters are spending millions of dollars all hoping to get a Democrat in the Whitehouse. Do you think it will happen? Whats your stance on the Demorcrat and Republican candidates?


meganlwood said...

I think there will be a Democrat in the White House in 2008, I have no idea who that person will be. Clinton isn't super popular but I know a lot of people would like to see a woman in charge. Obama is very popular, especially among celebrities which sadly does mean something in the election. I wouldn't be surprised if Edwards got it though, he doesnt have a lot of media attention right now but he is a typical candidate and a lot of people are going to feel safer voting for an older, white man. As for the Republicans, they don't have very much going for them right now. Bush and Iraq are really unpopular and the only strong candidate they seem to have is McCain. It should be interesting.

GTW said...

I agree with you on the topic that there will be a Democrat in the Whitehouse in 2008. I do think Obama and Clinton have good campaigns going now, however they have two setbacks, one of them is an African American, and one of them is a woman, two of which have never been elected to the Whitehouse. I dont think it is right, however it is what it is. I think the voters will be srategic, i think the votes will go to Edwards because of what you mentioned earlier, he is older, more expierenced and he has two qualities that every other president has had in the past, hes white and a man. I dont think America is ready for a woman or an african american, sadly i feel it is too early. We will have to see though.

Kierzek said...

Great conversation. I'm hoping there'll be a Democrat in the White House in 2008, but I guess I'm not comfortable in saying it'll be a lock. Giuliani is a dangerous candidate IF he makes it out of the Republican primary. Check out this link:
McCain has too many problems and no one knows who the hell Mitt Romney is. Giuliani, aside from having a near impossible to type name, has to be the most serious challenge. In fact, the only Democratic candidate to beat him in potential head-to-head is Obama. It's still so early and so much can change, but it'll be one heck of a fascinating campaign.

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