This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Herb Kohl Takes On Crucial Issues

The BCS??!! I understand that it is a rather controversial issue to many Americans, but with all the other issues of our time, isn't there something else that Kohl could be in charge of? Better yet, why does Congress even bother with this anyway. Outside of hurting those who may be involved in gambling situations that deal with the BCS, who is the government protecting by taking this on? This seems to be a waste of time, money, and resources to me, and kind of sad that Kohl is the chairman on this issue.

1 comment:

j oddsen said...

On the surface, this does look like an issue that our government should probably leave alone. In fact though, the amounts of money generated for schools by the BCS is of importance. The government cares when corporations make ridiculous amounts of profits at the public's expense or stockholders make money through insider trading. This topic is not much different. Big schools like Notre Dame or schools from so-called BCS conferences get to prevent smaller schools from gaining access to the profits playing in a BCS game generates and make up phony excuses about why a playoff system is unfeasible. It is feasible because every other division of college football is decided by a playoff system except for its most prestigious one the bowl subdivision.

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