This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

U.S. House Passes "hate crime" bill that Bush opposed

In the hustle and bustle of Washington, we sometimes forget to look at the bread and butter of what goes on there. Though Arlen Specter's party-switch is definitely significant, I prefer to look at good old fashioned law-making. Here we have a story discussing visible policy shifts from administration to administration. Hate crime legislation has always been a hot-button issue in American political circles, and it seems we might see the debate's first major development in a long time.

1 comment:

j oddsen said...

The passage of a bill designed to broaden the definition of hate crimes is long overdue in this country in my estimation. Attacks on people motivated by that person's sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity are clearly different from the so-called traditional "crime of passion" and should be treated as such. Being that this was a story out of the United Kingdom, it should be mentioned that this bill undoubtedly improves America's image both here at home and abroad as being one of the most tolerant nations in the world.

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