This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Immigrant rallies on Saturday

This article details the immigration rallies scheduled for all over the country to protest the new immigration law passed in Arizona. The largest will be in Los Angeles and smaller ones are all across the nation. The congressman in my research paper will be involved in one in Downtown San Bernardino as well. Joe Baca has claimed he will not fly through Arizona airports until the law is repealed. I think he is probably an extremist on the issue most Hispanics are unlikely to take it that far. Many Hispanics are livid with the law claiming it will increase profiling and racial anger. This article however states that roughly 1,000 Americans were polled and 71 percent agree with the Arizona law. This sets up an interesting dynamic in the border states as to which party will benefit the most from this change. I personally think the law is over-reaching and will create tensions for those who are legal residents and will now be under suspicion unfortunately. This brings up one question that I have with the Hispanics who are citizens who do not want a secure border. If illegal immigration was tougher then laws like the one in Arizona would never be put into place. I understand solidarity but then they should push for reforms that make legal immigration easier, not illegal immigration.

Senate dem's change course for mid terms

The Senate responds to the New Arizona law on immigration in an attempt to keep the latino vote. With mid term elections comming up soon, this is one of the issues they did not want to tackle. With Arizona and now Texas as the hot beds of immigrations, they are forced to introduce a sweeping reform bill to help them keep the traditional latino vote.

Of idiots and politics.

I'm back everyone! I know you've missed my posts but here's one to wet your appetite. Okay, so the scoop on today's post is this: The GOP is starting to get infuriated over Reid's persistant push for financial reform saying that his actions on the floor are an attempt to paint the Republicans in a poor light. Reid's spokesman has confirmed as much saying that the Democrats are fighting back. It's turned into a war of words and it looks like the tactic the Dems have been using is starting to work, maybe. Then again it might not be enough to stem a growing discontent with the popularly defined politics as usual.

House Plans Vote on Puerto Rico Statehood Resolution

House will vote on a nonbinding resolution regarding a referendum in Puerto Rico on possible future state status.

Biden, Geithner to tout Wall Street reform at UWM on Tuesday

We're taking a field trip.

Go read your UWM email if you haven't done so already.

UPDATED: Here are some pictures I took at the event.

Fight for midterm elections not confined to traditional battlegrounds

The mid-term battles begin, but this time more and more traditionally demarcate held seats are running into serious opposition. Many quality challengers are running hard at the core of the Democratic Party’s core seats. Even Representative David R. Obey who has kept his seat for many years is running into a possible upset. The incumbency advantage this election cycle may not be enough to prevent hard core demarcates from losing their seats. While mid-term elections generally favor the minority part, this cycle may tip the scales to the republicans. In any case it seems like the dem’s will lose there bullet proof majority and will lessen Obama’s chances of pushing his agenda through without some major compromises.

Immagration and climate change

What do these two have in common? Answer:
Hispanics voted heavily Democratic in 2008, and they've been disappointed with President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats for not following up on campaign promises to reform immigration laws. Reid is up for re-election this year and trailing in polls in Nevada.
Kerry needs Reed, but Reeed does not need Kerry. I guess the committee did not get the consesous they hoped for!!

Medicare could become a major political liability for Democratic lawmakers in the midterm elections.

The latest report warns of issues with the group that has the most weight in elections, the seniors. This is the group that ALWAYS turns out for elections. Typically in the 80%, range judging by the last 20 years of election data. This could become the first shot fired across the bow as it were. I am willing to bet this will be a “hot topic of contention” I n the midterm elections.

15,000 Protest in FAVOR of tax increases

There is the beginning of a counter-tea party movement. 15,000 people protested in Peoria, Illinios against cuts in education and in favor of tax increases. They shouted "Show some guts!"

Most Tea party crowds boast numbers in the hundreds, if this message gains some momentum, it could drown out the supposed influence of the Tea Party.

Goldman Sachs sued over Paulson non-disclosure

This article details the current lawsuit against Goldman-Sachs by the SEC over allegations that Goldman defrauded two clients by not disclosing John Paulson was betting the mortgages would fail. These allegations involve a derivative market set up to bet for and against the success of sub prime mortgages that many prominent brokerage firms became involved in. Paulson heads an investment firm that bet the mortgages would fail, and they in fact did. This fallout led to massive economic problems including bailouts of prominent investment firms. The firms believed the mortgages were diversified enough that they would not fail. Goldman-Sachs also lost money in the deal. Paulson made a significant amount of money. This led to the Wall street has run amok comments from politicians, and attempts to now reform bank lending practices. I think since Goldman bet the wrong side thinking Paulson was wrong it is hard to claim they defrauded investors.

How the Media should handle doubletalking politicians

This is a brief snippet of Dylan Ratigan's interview with a tea party organizer. If only more pundits had his guts!

EDITED for language.

Senate is hours from bringing Financial Reform to the Floor

The Financial Reform Bill passed through the Senate Banking Committee on a party line vote. It also cleared the Agricultural Committee garnering one Republican vote. With the Lincoln Ammendment on Derivitive regulations, and Senator Corkers outspoken support for the bill, it looks like the votes are in place to invoke cloture, and cut off debate. It looks like it is all over but the shout.

Conservatives Look To Take Back Control

With midterm elections approaching, conservatives are looking to regain some control in the White House. Obama's luster appears to be fading among the public so republican's chances of gaining control seem to be good.

Goldman Sachs fills pockets on both sides of the aisle.

Prior to the SEC lawsuit filed against Goldman Sachs the company "dished out $300,000" in contributions to lawmakers for March. Only slightly more funds were contributed to Republicans. With financial reform on the table I thought this was of note.

Nobody trusts the government

Is there anything new? While there may be a small jump in the number of people who don't trust the government, it seems to me that there is hardly ever a time when people trust them!

New contender for Wisconsin's senate race?

The announcement by Thomson that he will not run has now led to the possibility that other more credible candidates will now take part. Ron Johnson is the newest possible contender. He has money and does not seem to have any of the idiotic positions or baggage the other candidates have. Leinenkugel has baggage as Doyle's commerce secretary, Terrance wall hasn't paid state income taxes in 5 years, and Westlake has raised less than 14,000 dollars with his idiotic T shirt selling campaign. The unknown factor however is how much does Johnson actually know about politics because anyone who debates Feingold better have a good grasp of the issues otherwise Feingold will make them look stupid. I think Paul Ryan is the same for the Republicans. I don't think you have to agree with these candidates to know that both are very smart and the opponents need to put strong candidates to oppose them otherwise it will be a rough campaign.

Taking it to the bank-ing committee

I'm not so sure that you would call them "unusual suspects", but there is talk of a handful of Republicans jumping ship when it comes down to a vote on financial reform. Minority leader, Sen. McConnell went around today securing all but one signatures; Sen. Collins of Maine, pledging to hold out against a banking bill. It's interesting to note that Sen. McCain originally pushed for a return of the Glass-Steagall Act, which the article notes is much more liberal than the current bill. With financial reform a largely bipartisan issue, it's likely the Democrats will get their way but we'll see if they offer any concessions to those Republicans on the fence.

"The Political Equivalent of a Suicide Bomber."

Another “Tiger woods” affair, but with his seat on the line, I don’t think even with the incumbents advantage he can win. This was the Republicans main man to challenge Obama in the 2012 presidential race. It will be interesting to see who the “tea Party” comes up with to challenge him.

McCain Primary Battle: New Ad Attacks Hayworth

Entertaining, effective. Fair? Republican primary voters in Arizona will decide soon.

Can Reid ratify a treaty?

On top of a huge backlog of House bills, many with broad Republican support, Harry Reid now has a Supreme Court Justice appointment to approve and a nuclear arms treaty to ratify. Of course, Republicans are threatening to fillibuster.

Republicans Make Repealing Healthcare Reform #1 Priority

No big surprise here. However, a few senators have to walk a fine line with how much they want to be on board with replacing the bill. Should there be a big turnover in Congress, these guys may not get everything they want.

This is the one thing that bothers me about bill such as this. They are too vulnerable to political will.

Patriotism and Webstyle

An analysis of congressional campaign websites and flag imagery (via Political Wire).

Supreme Court Nomination Battle

As the article says, it could be an interesting summer depending on who Obama nominates to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. No matter how you look at it, you figure that the Senate Republicans will do what they've done all along and slow down the process of any nominee. This could end up pushing Obama to nominate someone with more moderate views.

Survey Says

Matt Bai in the New York Times on the differences between the Republican Party and republicanism.

Tea Party target Stupak

The "tea Party" might not be a political party such as the current DNC or RNC they never the less are playing a part in the moment of congress. Here is an example of a third party having an impact on the status quo. right after they "target" him he retires. Another casualty of the Health Care vote?

Stevens' Day(s) in Court

You heard it here first; maybe not, Justice Stevens is retiring. The big question now is of course who, he will fill the vacancy with when Stevens officially leaves in late June or early July. The article lists Obama's likely candidates based on his list from last year and the various pros and cons of choosing one over the other. Either way, the next appointment is likely to reflect Stevens' ideological leanings if not the intensity of them.

The new congressional healthcare biill?

On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a two-page amendment that would require all Members and their staffs to enroll in any new government-run health plan..It took me less than a minute to sign up to require our congressmen and senators to drink at the same trough!Congressman John Fleming ( Louisiana physician) has proposed an amendment that would require congressmen and senators to take the same health care plan they force on us (under proposed legislation they are curiously exempt).
Interesting concept what is good for the people must be good for Congress!!

Campaign Committee Contributions

Information on Campaign Committee contributions by members of Congress

Senate backlog

290 Bills have passed the House and have been backlogged in the Senate. That's what happens when the minority party fillibusters EVERYTHING!!

Leinenkugel vs Feingold

This may be interesting, a quality Challenger in the running. After today's "tea party" he looks like he is gaining traction in the race. If he does in fact win the seat, i wounder how much political capital this will give the "tea party" for the house seats?

He definitely has "Name recognition" and this will resonate with many voters.

Partisan Politics

This seems to be a good example of partisan politics at work. The Republicans have found a nice hole which they are exploiting to try and stop a judicial nominee from being approved. It almost seems that the Obama administration kind of set themselves up for this by not revealing this information.

U.S. will have new nuke stance, will other nations follow?

The U.S., with a push from the obama administration, is adopting a new policy in regards to nuclear weaponry. The new nuclear strategy calls for a halt to the development of new nuclear weapons and limits the use of the existing arsenal on nonnuclear states that are in compliance with nonproliferation agreements. This is a strong message by the U.S. that may ultimately create a nuclear free world. However, it is yet to be seen if other states around the world will follow this plan of peace.

Counterfactuals in Health Care Reform

Try your hand at explaining this claim from House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn: "I don't think we would have ever gotten health care if we stayed on that 60-vote strategy. I really believe that that was a blessing in disguise."

He was for being a Maverick before he was against it.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) after finding himself facing very strong primary challenge from fmr. Rep JD Hayworth, has found himself trying to rewrite history. After running for President (twice) as a self pro-claimed "Maverick", McCain tells Newsweek that he,
"I never considered myself a maverick," he told Newsweek. "I consider myself a person who serves the people of Arizona to the best of his abilities."

While one can understand the desire, and sometimes necessity to play to the base in the primary while reaching out to the middle in the general, it seems nakedly political, almost absurdly so, to become some sort of born-again conservative. McCain is receiving poor advice if his strategists tell him this will win over the Arizona Tea Party crowd, whom could make up a big share of the primary electorate.

It is even more absurd when one considers items like this gem,

What Makes Gillibrand Scary to Rivals?

The political considerations involved in challenging a seemingly weak senator.

Petraeus run for President?

This article from the UK discusses the Americans general disgust with the United States political scene. The article states that people want another outsider, not someone from inside Washington. How many outsiders can we have? Petraeus has no interest as of now in running for president and personally I could not see Obama being unseated by him. The article discusses how the public disdain is largely aimed at congress more than the President. I think that if the unemployment rate does not decrease measurably the public will want changes again in 2010 and 2012. The question is how long after the change if there is one in 2012, will people be sick of that person? I can understand why Petraeus doesn't really seem to want the job even though some feel he would be a good candidate because of the economy, Iran, the social security crisis, the energy crisis, health care problems etc... who would really want the job?

Orlando doctor tells Obama Healthcare supporters to go elsewhere.

This is the United States of America so he has a right to this opinion. The article states that he is walking a thin line between his freedoms and the oath he took to provide care. I think the sign is obnoxious and stupid. The doctor says he is not questioning his patients about their political beliefs, but this is still not something doctors should be engaging in while working. The doctor has a sign on the door that tells people if they support Obama care he does not want their business and if people walk away because they are annoyed by it then that is fine. This doctor is a moron. First he does not like the healthcare plan because he believes it will hurt his business and health care for people, however what does alienating customers who disagree with him do for his business or their health care? I'm sure it does not help. I think there are proper places to address your concerns with the healthcare proposal, at your clinic is not one of them.

Top 10 Senate Primaries

This is a list of the top 10 most competitive senatorial primaries to watch. Including the AZ Republican primary with former presidential candidate Sen. John McCain who is running against the tea party-supported candidate, J.D. Hayworth; the PA Democratic primary where Sen. Arlen Spector is trying to hang on to his seat after switching parties; and, class favorite, the CA Republican primary with Carly Fiorina, Tom Campbell (who supports same-sex marriage and is pro-choice), and Chuck DeVore.

Congressman Hank Johnson (d-ga) concerned about Guam

Congressman Hank Johnson Concerned about Guam, and a blooper..

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