This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Immigrant rallies on Saturday

This article details the immigration rallies scheduled for all over the country to protest the new immigration law passed in Arizona. The largest will be in Los Angeles and smaller ones are all across the nation. The congressman in my research paper will be involved in one in Downtown San Bernardino as well. Joe Baca has claimed he will not fly through Arizona airports until the law is repealed. I think he is probably an extremist on the issue most Hispanics are unlikely to take it that far. Many Hispanics are livid with the law claiming it will increase profiling and racial anger. This article however states that roughly 1,000 Americans were polled and 71 percent agree with the Arizona law. This sets up an interesting dynamic in the border states as to which party will benefit the most from this change. I personally think the law is over-reaching and will create tensions for those who are legal residents and will now be under suspicion unfortunately. This brings up one question that I have with the Hispanics who are citizens who do not want a secure border. If illegal immigration was tougher then laws like the one in Arizona would never be put into place. I understand solidarity but then they should push for reforms that make legal immigration easier, not illegal immigration.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I have no doubt that the 70% of respondents agree in part with the legislation.
The problem is a matter of intensity. The 30% who don't agree are going to be VERY loud about this issue. They either will be subject to racial profiling and discrimination or will have family members be further sepated from them. Typically when this issue comes to a boil you see protests and organized marches with millions in participation.
I liken this issue to gun control. While a vast majority of people think its a good idea to do criminal background checks before you can purchase a gun, there is a segment of the population that loudly voices their opposition to ANY gun control.

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