This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

15,000 Protest in FAVOR of tax increases

There is the beginning of a counter-tea party movement. 15,000 people protested in Peoria, Illinios against cuts in education and in favor of tax increases. They shouted "Show some guts!"

Most Tea party crowds boast numbers in the hundreds, if this message gains some momentum, it could drown out the supposed influence of the Tea Party.

1 comment: said...

I think that this protest appeals to a specific issue in Illinois dealing with state budget cuts in education. This is does not seem to be a national issue now, however it will be if Medicaid becomes too expensive because of the expansion. I think states will have to find ways to cut some programs like education or services to the elderly in order to pay for the additional costs in Medicaid. This protest however has a large demographic of teachers and the elderly protesting over a specific issue within Illinois so this will not spread like the tea-partiers. The overall problem of state budget shortfalls in the near future however may create more protests like these in other states who see revenue shortfalls and massive increases in obligations such as the Medicaid expansion forced on the states.

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