This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Orlando doctor tells Obama Healthcare supporters to go elsewhere.

This is the United States of America so he has a right to this opinion. The article states that he is walking a thin line between his freedoms and the oath he took to provide care. I think the sign is obnoxious and stupid. The doctor says he is not questioning his patients about their political beliefs, but this is still not something doctors should be engaging in while working. The doctor has a sign on the door that tells people if they support Obama care he does not want their business and if people walk away because they are annoyed by it then that is fine. This doctor is a moron. First he does not like the healthcare plan because he believes it will hurt his business and health care for people, however what does alienating customers who disagree with him do for his business or their health care? I'm sure it does not help. I think there are proper places to address your concerns with the healthcare proposal, at your clinic is not one of them.

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