This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Timing of the Tax Cut Vote

I thought this article really emphasized how American politics revolve around elections. Taking note of Harry Reid's reasoning for delaying the vote until after elections seems to be a bit of a paradox. He wants the vote post-election due to the "hesitancy of some politically vulnerable Democrats", though his party could (is likely to) lose the majority. I'm not sure I understand Reid's reasoning here! If anyone could shed some light on this I'm greatly interested.


crawfisch said...

An example closer to home -- look at the Ken Kratz situation.


Doyle has announced his plan to IMMEDIATELY pursue plans to oust this DA from office.

Im not defending Kratz, his actions are despicable but, isnt Doyles motive pretty transparent...

Kratz should be subject to civil and criminal penalties should they apply, but the facts need to be examined in light of a formal investigation...after which he should (and eventully probably will) resign no matter what.

DOYLE of course cant wait for the formal process to be completed because then he wont be around to appoint his own hand-picked lefty hack to insert as Calumet DA.

And god forbid that oppurtunity be given to (INSERT LIBERAL ATTACK WORD LIKE EXTREMIST HERE) GOP candidate Scott Walker. -- Who I dont like either so I'm not blaming Doyle just referencing his trasparent agenda.

Please dont read too much into my political views here either, because make no mistake this happens all the time...both ways.

Its just so disappointing to see politicians use their offices like partisan hacks esp when they are people of considerable power and influence such as Majority Leader and our Governor.

It would just be nice if our elected officials be it small county DA, state governor or national representative start behaving like adults and putting forth coherent agendas intended to stimulate the economy and propogate social justice instead of constantly worrying about re-election.

wait, didnt we talk about this in class...?

nice post alena!

Ryan Evers said...

He wants to wait until after November but before January so that all the Dems that just got voted out don't have to care about what their constituants want (they still should but politicians left and right are often less than moral). Then they will either vote how they really feel (liberal) without caring about re-election since they already lost, or the Dem leadership can offer jobs or perks to those who don't really what the higher taxes (somebody has to be the ambassador to Costa Rica or somewhere else). In essence he could use his parties losses as a win for himself.

Annie Prak said...

I too thought this article was quite interesting and quite relevant to our discussion this week. While I agreed with Hill's statements in "The Vulnerable American Politician," this article emphasized to me just how often these things do occur in the political community. It also echoes the "Role of the Representative" article in showing how politicians may make such maneuvers in order to maintain the confidence and vote of their constituency.

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