This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Website colors

The tidbit about website colors from class monday piqued my interest slightly, but I decided to look into it a bit only after I noticed all the GREEN in Paul Ryan's site yesterday. I went to to see how many of his fellow REPUBLICANS also have large amounts of green all over their sites (I supposed green would be more likely found in significant quantities on DEMOCRATS' sites). Of the 28 congressmen/women whose sites I checked out, (last names beginning A-B) I only found 3 more with any significant amounts of GREEN (Gus Bilirakis, John Boehner, and Mary Bono Mack). ...Oh well. However I noticed that of those 28 sites, only 8 had anything more than nearly unnoticeable hints of RED. Isn't that the GOP's favorite color??? Nearly all were completely BLUE.

Of the first 27 DEMOCRAT house member's sites I checked (last names beginning A-B), roughly half had GREEN in them, but none had nearly as much as Ryan's. As expected, all of them were completely BLUE, but only three had any hint of RED in them.


Matt Fenelon said...
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Matt Fenelon said...

just wanna clarify. the first 28 sites i checked were ALL republican representatives. the second 27 sites I checked were all democrat representative's sites. not sure how clear I made that.

Perry said...

I know the Prof. talked about web site colors in class, could it be that a color scheme for a web site meant that candidate likes that color?

Matt Fenelon said...

well of course a candidate isn't going to have his web designer use colors he/she doesn't like! But there's a lot that goes into color schemes and design. check it out...

Unknown said...

You collected data. I'm over the moon with joy. Nice work.

ashb said...

Sorry perry but i would have to agree with Matt and the Prof on the color choice topic. Its obvious that a republican would not want a lot of blue on their website so they wouldn't confuse people visiting their site. They would want to fill it with as much red as they can to portray their strong allegiance to the party. Again though this is just my opinion and i could be totally wrong and they could all just like those colors.

Annie Prak said...

I'm glad you looked into this further, Matt! Last year I took an advertising course which briefly covered political advertising and imagery. While it may seem trivial to many people, I do think that choosing specific colors and images is often a deliberate choice made by representatives as a way of appealing to people who generally have implicit associations with certain colors and imagery.
If you haven't already, check out Christine O'Donnell's official website (it's completely red). Perhaps red has now become the color of choice for the Tea Party, and the rest of the extreme right?

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