This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Advertisements for Democrats?

More Democrats are running ads making themselves seem more Republican. Mostly saying they go against Obama and Pelosi.


ashb said...

There are several of these democrats now out and about attempting to distance themselves from the administration in order to survive this election year. I do not necessarily support blindly following your party, but by trying incredibly hard to distance yourself from this current administration what kind of person are you portraying? One that flip flops depending on the nations mood? Are these democrats really even conservative or are they just riding the bandwagon?

Ben said...

Are Democrats from conservative districts/states conservative? If they aren't, how did they get elected in these areas in the first place? Assuming some of these Dems are more conservative than Speaker Pelosi, is this why it has been so difficult to pass bills in Congress despite large majorities in both the House and the Senate? Did some of these conservative Dems run as conservatives before now? If so, this may point to the fact that they don't flip-flop.

Annie Prak said...

As Ben pointed out, in order for these Democrats to be elected in conservative-leaning districts in the first place, it is most likely that they come down on the moderate side of the Democratic Party.
While everyone seems to be of the pragmatic party viewpoint come election time, these candidates are certainly taking advantage of the fact that they have stood apart from Obama on both health care and the stimulus bill--two pieces of legislation that have not gone over particularly well with the generally public, and two issues that could critically injure their changes of re-election should they been seen to side with the President.

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