This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Don't asked don't tell because I don't want to know

When a man is in a foxhole fighting for his life, it’s not the time for the man next to him to say, “hay buddy, I’m gay”. No body in the military needs to know that nor does anyone care about the life style anyone is living. But now come a judge from California overruling the congress regarding this issue I feel should be kept secret. I always thought we elect a congress to pass rules and laws and that it’s up the courts to interpret the law and not make them. Elections have consequences!


alena.joling said...

I think that while in a foxhole, a queer person's desire to inform their company of their sexual orientation is about as strong as a heterosexual's urge to call out the same thing, not very. I doubt that announcing their sexuality is a top priority for anyone while being shot at. I think, and the article states as well, that the idea here is to stop impending upon individuals right to free speech and also, it is important to some soldiers that they do not need to hide away their relationship for fear of discharge (dishonorably at that). Don't ask don't tell restricts a lot more than just vocally announcing your sexuality.

ashb said...

I highly doubt anyone is interested in exposing themselves during combat. Like the article briefly stated denying a service members right to openly declare their sexual orientation infringes on their first amendment right. Since the troops are fighting to defend our rights and freedoms, they should be able to enjoy these rights and freedoms.

Sarah Stoychoff said...

This is general is just a stupid rule. Who cares what your sexual preference is. How does it apply to you, and if they are fighting for the country, it should not matter who they are interested in. While actually typing this, and watching BBC world new, this is the topic being discussed. And it was ruled that gay people can not be open...stupid.

crawfisch said...,17698/

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