This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Former Wis. Governor Enters Race for Nomination

Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson has officially announced that he is joining in the race to the White House. His previous title as Bush's secretary of health and human services in Bush's first term may prove to be a bit of a setback for Thompson but he has assured that his presidency would differ greatly from that of President Bush. Another setback might be his lack of fundraising thus far, while other candidates have raised millions. All in all, it's pretty cool to see a former Wis governor running for president but I don't really see his campiagn as being to successful due to the strength of many of his opponents.


"JPO" Joseph Ohler said...

Given that the greater the number of candidates for office, especially within the same party, the greater the diffusion of aggregate campaign contributions, some partisans wanting to hedge their bets in the GOP primary might give some of their stash to Thompson, especially if they have given a portion of their funds to other non-front GOP runners such as Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee, and Duncan Hunter. Put differently, those financiers supporting dark horse GOP candidates are most likely to contribute at least something to Thompson’s war chest because the collectivity of those longshot candidates results in the probability of one of them winning the GOP presidential primary as high as the probability of either of the moderate GOP front runners (McCain and Guilani) winning that primary. This conforms to the rational choice theory’s assumption that only those who believe they will benefit from an action more than they will lose in cost from that action will participate in that action. This explains not only why contributors would choose to disburse funds to Thompson but also why Thompson would declare candidacy, as he knows he is unlikely to progress further politically unless he runs for an elected position at the federal level, and what better measuring stick of his readiness to run for any federal office than going for the presidency.

B Field said...

I agree that it is cool to see Tommy running but there is not much of a chance for him to win nomination from the GOP. Along with the funding I do not think that he has the name recognition to compete with the front runners

bridget_esser said...

It will be interesting to see Tommy run as I believe that not many people outside of Wisconsin really even know much about him anymore, he has not been the public figure as of late that he used to be. And as said before, he clearly won't have the same funding built up as other candidates, that will hurt his chances even further than the long shot he has set up for himself.

deborahmweigel said...

im just interested to see how they will differ THOMPSON '08 (tommy) from THOMPSON '08 (fred)....I think its definitley going to be an uphill battle for the nomination...but my opinion conservatives need to attract some more candidates to the field and I think it will at least make things more democractic to have more choices.

franda2 said...

All I have to say is go Tommy!!!

meganlwood said...

When I was younger I asked my dad if people ever voted against a candidate from their own state. He told me that people generally wanted their hometown guy to win because it looked good for the state in general. I don't think Tommy Thompson winning would be that great for WI. Clinton did a lot for Arkansas but its hard for even most Republicans to get behind Thompson

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