This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Pelosi is welcomed in Syria

Though as we saw before there was much disagreement about Speaker Pelosi's trip to Syria between her and the White House, everything seems to be going smoothly now that she is there. This could mean great things for a relationship between the United States and Syria. Syria seems delighted to have her there despite Bush calling the visit "counterproductive."


"JPO" Joseph Ohler said...

Given that Syria has been on the U.S. State Department’s list of nations that sponsor terror since 1979 (during the liberal Carter Administration), it has been not just the evaluation of the Bush Administration but also the assessment of prior American administrations that the Syrian government is too permissive, and even enabling, to terrorists. Former President Clinton may have met with the then-leader of Syria in 1994, but he did not make any effort to remove Syria from the State Department’s list of nations that sponsor terror.
In light of all this, Pelosi still believes she may benefit from being so friendly with such a pro-terrorism government due to the international sentiment of excessive pacifism. This gesture may be just the thing she needs to portray the Democrats as serious about using diplomacy more than warfare to settle disputes with other nations and perhaps increase the vote share of liberal-leaning moderates who might otherwise vote Republican based on the belief that Republicans are more effective when America is at war. However, at what cost to international security? Only time will tell.

Kierzek said...

Normally I'd say stick it to Bush in every imaginable way. I'm not so sure about this move. I applaud Speaker Pelosi in her efforts to open dialog with other nations, even unfriendly nations. However, Syria has been accused of sponsoring terrorism. What are the ramifications of a Congressional leader directly ignoring and violating a sitting President's request with regard to foreign affairs? I'm with Joe in saying only time will tell.

deborahmweigel said...

I cant believe she is that ballsy to go ahead during congressional recess and pull something like this. Even if we give her the benefit of EVERY doubt...she is not still undermining the president and in turn undermining America. I would like to know her a little more detail, what she is hoping to accomplish??

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