This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Romney, Giuliani Have Money to Burn

This article lists the huge amounts of money being spent thus far in order to become the next president. "Republican presidential front-runner Rudolph W. Giuliani spent $5.7 million on his campaign during the first three months of the year, campaign aides said yesterday, leaving him with more than $10.8 million to spend". "The presidential candidates from both parties have shattered fundraising records this year as they prepare to wage what observers say could easily be the nation's first billion-dollar election."
Does anybody else see this as being completely ridiculous? All we hear about is lowering the deficit and all of the spending on the Iraqi war but hey lets spend $5.7 on a campaign in the first 3 months! I think this amount of money is completely out of control for a campiagn that hasn't even passed the primaries yet. It will be really interesting to see what the final costs are at the end of the upcoming election.


B Field said...

I agree that it is pretty crazy the amount of money that has been raised and spent already on the '08 race. This might limit the amount of candidates that actually have a shot at winning their parties nomination if they do not get in soon and start raising money.

Kierzek said...

I agree. This is a ridiculous amount of money spent on campaigning. But, b field is right. There are a number of candidates that have a really good shot at their nomination. High-profile candidates, nonetheless. If they can raise the money, I guess they can afford to spend it.

"JPO" Joseph Ohler said...

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are agreeing to contribute to these tremendous campaign coffers as an expression of their First Amendment right to free speech.

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