This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Draft Mellencamp for senate

A sudden grassroots effort has created an effort, starting on Facebook, to enlist Rock Star John Mellencamp to replace Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana. Mellencamp has not commented whether or not he would accept the nomination yet, but he would likely be a very strong candidate if he did. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Oh, man do I hope he considers the run! Let's first consider the great news commentary that would take place when Mellencamp was campaigning: "Mr. Mellencamp is on the prowl for voters in Indiana." or "Mellencamp really pounced on his opponent at that town hall meeting." Obviously his middle name would inspire great political banter. On the political side, Mellencamp is a very progressive guy, came out against the Iraq war early on and he's a renaissance man. So essentially he'd be a great replacement for Bayh. Well, that's my little ditty about this Jack...of all trades.

jdharmon said...

I can see a majority of our politicians in the near future being celebrities of some sort seeing as we are such a celebrity crazy society. Also, with the increasing cost of campaigning and the importance of name recognition he would have a clear advantage.

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