This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Obama to GOP: work with me

This article demonstrates that once again the power in the senate has shifted dramatically because of one vote. This article however is meant to try to regain some footing in the eyes of the American public by trying to portray Republicans as obstructionists and unreasonable. Obama is attempting to work with the other side. The problem is that when the Democrats had 60 votes they had no intention of working with Republicans on the health care bill. I personally try to be an unbiased observer of the current events. I think that if Republicans had the 60 votes they probably would have tried to ram their agenda through as well. The main point however is that I personally am cynical of anyone claiming to want to work with the other side now that they need the other side. I would be just as cynical of a Republican doing the same thing.

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