This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Ethics Violations

Charles Rangel, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, basically had his hand slapped for not ensuring his people knew the rules governing travel expenses. Technically, he was not found to be at fault. Other ethics investigations involving Rangel continue. Meanwhile, another preliminary investigation has found "probable cause" behind Rep. Visclosky's (D-Ind) alleged promising of federal contracts for corporate campaign contributions. However, the committee has chosen not to pursue it any further. Really?


Kyle said...

Tough talk about corruption, but it tends that when members of the ruling group's own party are the ones found to be corrupt, the punishment tends to be less. Unless it's the republicans. They tend to toss their own under the bus pretty easily, but that seems to be what I recall anecdotally, since I'm sure the Democrats disagree about their own hypocrisy.

Unknown said...

If the Democrats don't take the committee chairmanship from Rangel now, it will haunt them in the fall. Actually, it will make a good tv ad either way, so maybe it's too late to dump him.

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