This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Good Night Super Majorities?

After having much of their agenda being held in the hands of two or three Senators (I'm looking at you Nelson, Snowe, Collins) Democrats appear to be on the cusp of changing long standing Senate rules regarding the filibuster.

Retiring Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) told MSNBC in an interview today that he would support lowering the threshold for filibusters from 60 to around 55 or so.

This is a sign that Democrats expect to loose seats in November, but a cloture threshold at 55 votes would force Democrats to work with moderate republicans (of which there may be a few more after November, Castle in Delaware, Ayotte in New Hampshire) which in the end could produce legislation that is better for America.

1 comment:

Maura Metz said...

I prefer Harkin's filibuster reform idea where the number to achieve cloture is reduced over time. That leaves room for debate in case it is legitimately needed but does not postpone voting indefinitely.

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