This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Terrance Wall's tax free lifestyle

This article details how the Republican challenger to Russ Feingold has not paid personal state taxes in the last 9 of 10 years because of the loopholes that developers get. This is legal however it does not look good, and almost assures that if he is the challenger to Russ Fiengold, Feingold will win. I do not think the average Wisconsin voter will look favorably on this, and I think the Republican party would be wise to bail on Mr. Wall as soon as possible. I think that in the end Wall will not be the candidate because most Republican candidates are staying away now because they are unsure of Tommy Thompson's intentions. I think if Thompson does not run a qualified person will run. The article also details how Wall ran for several local elections in his hometown and lost. I think it is insane for someone who cannot win a local election because his neighbors feel he is unqualified to lead locally should run for a U.S. senate seat. I also think that while Terrance Wall is clearly wealthy and money is clearly important to a successful election run, he is not qualified for this seat, and should not be supported by his party or anyone else.

1 comment:

Nicholas Reindl said...

But..but... Russ isn't listening!!

The angry old lady on the teevee told me so!

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