This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Tommy Thompson and Senate Candidacy (possibility)

Former Governor Tommy Thompson still left the door open today to a possible U.S. Senate candidacy, even though he just added a new corporate position to his workload.

A couple of recent polls showed that Thompson could beat Feingold. Last week, Thompson was named to an advisory board for a private equity fund that invests in new farm-related companies.


Anonymous said...

I'm not looking forward to the prospect. I'm not keen either on a man that flirts so shamelessly with the revolving door aspect of politics. Hopefully he doesn't see the poll numbers he's looking for, it would be a shame to lose Feingold.

Kyle said...

I think the break from politics and time in the real world will be something he can campaign on, and will help him. Additionally, he'll be able to point to accomplishments and things he's done, and exploit Feingold for his non-accomplishments. Tommy would have a pretty good chance, certainly better than the incumbents these days.

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