This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.


After a long fight, health care reform is now a reality.

3 comments: said...

I think that it will still be challenged strongly in states that lean hard towards the Republicans. I am surprised they actually cut medicare because old people vote and for the ones that aren't senile will remember this.I think maybe small subsides to help people purchase insurance, and the option to stay on your parents plan longer and insurance exchanges are good ideas for reform. The problems include the taxes once again on the wealthy and then forcing people to buy insurance which is going to be the centerpiece of the opposition to this bill along with the cost. Raising taxes on anyone in a slumping economy is not really a good idea. I think that this bill is in for a long fight because forcing people to buy insurance is not something this country has done, and when people think about how are they going to know if I am buying insurance or not, i.e the level government will intrude into your life to make sure you are buying insurance may bother many people.

Unknown said...

Ross Douhat has a nice take in the Times.

Unknown said...

Ron your fears on the Tricare front seem overblown. See the Navy Times.

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