This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Just in case there are birthers in Class

The birther theory goes back to at least 2007. Does anyone seriously believe, that with these rumors circulating, and the amount of money both Hillary Clinton and John McCain had for opposition research that they would not have definitively proved Barrack Obama was ineligible?

This link shows transcripts from Hardball, where a Clinton campaign advisor gives a backhanded compliment about his Indonesian Heritage. Obviously, they sent opposition research to Indonesia to investigate his time there. They were able to prove that he attended school there. But that is not the claim the birthers make.

There is also a video from Hardball, where he interviews Rep. Campbell from California, who is co-sponsoring a bill to require all Presidential candidates to produce their birth certificate before they can assume office. Chris Mathews shows the congressman a copy of Obama's Certificate of Live Birth.

1 comment:

DColbert said...

What the "birthers" want is the long form certificate, and are quite rabid about it. In many states, if not all of them, they just aren't available anymore. Just when it seemed as if the issue had subsided ...

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